Tinjauan Yuridis Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Produk Mutiara Imitasi

  • Haerul Kurniawan
  • H. Djumardin Djumardin Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mataram


This study aims to determine the implementation and responsibility of buying and selling imitation pearls at UD Ocin Pearl to- the consumer. This research applies empirical legal research methods using facts that occur in the field, and normative legal methods, namely legal research that defines law as a building system of norms such as legislation and various data. The implementation of this imitation pearl sale and purchase agreement is carried out by small traders who take the imitation pearl at the UD Store. Ocin. This imitation pearl was then traded in front of the hotel visited by out-of-town and local guests at an affordable price.


Amiruddin dan Zaenal Asikin, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum.Jakarta,2016.

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Dalam Data, Harapan Mandiri Utama.

Hasil Wawancara

Hasil Wawancara dengan Pemilik Toko UD. Ocin Pearl, Muksin Utama Putra, pada tanggal 18-03-2022, di Karang Genteng Pagutan.

Hasil Wawancara Dengan Salah satu pembeli Mutiara di TokoUD. Ocin Pearl. Pada tanggal 23-03-2022 di Karang Genteng Pagutan.
How to Cite
Kurniawan, H., & Djumardin, H. D. (2022). Tinjauan Yuridis Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Produk Mutiara Imitasi. Private Law, 2(3), 697-703. https://doi.org/10.29303/prlw.v2i3.1566

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