Performance Test of Chicken Feather Thresher Machine in Brida NTB, Lelede Village, Banyumulek, Kediri District, Lelede

  • Dimas Bayu Utomo Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
  • Asih Priyati
  • Sukmawaty Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
Keywords: chicken, tool efficiency, chicken feather threshing machine, performance test


This study aims to study the threshing process and test the performance of chicken featherthreshing machines made by IKM partners. This research method is an experimental method withdirect observation at the research site with 2 repetitions of the experiment with different loads.The data obtained were analyzed descriptively with Indonesian national standards. Theparameters observed in this study were calculating the torque, knowing the threshing time, andthe level of cleanliness in the chickens. The results showed that the energy available in this chickenfeather thresher machine is 1 HP. This chicken feather removal machine can clean 3 to 4 chickensin one process. For the process of 3 chickens it takes 25.17 seconds while for 4 chickens it takes32.33 seconds. The torque in the threshing process of 3 chickens on the small pulley is 65.38 N.mand for the large pulley it is 280.19 N.m. Whereas for threshing 4 chickens for small pulley it is93.69 N.m and for large pulley it is 401.54 N.m. The percentage of cleanliness in threshing 3chickens is 91% while for threshing 4 chickens is 90%. With this it can be concluded that theperformance of threshing chicken with this machine in accordance with the specifications of themachine. A load of chickens, either 3 or 4 tails, results in good shedding of chicken feathers.
How to Cite
Utomo, D. B., Priyati, A., & Sukmawaty. (2023). Performance Test of Chicken Feather Thresher Machine in Brida NTB, Lelede Village, Banyumulek, Kediri District, Lelede. J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology), 1(1), 29-35. Retrieved from