Author Guidelines
Manuscript Section
Papers must contain: TITLE in Indonesian and English (italics in parentheses), no more than two lines of maximum 12 words; AUTHOR'S NAME is written in full and sorted by first, second, and so on. The authors' names and agency addresses are complete with telephone / Fax and e-mail numbers; ABSTRACT written in Indonesian and English, written in one paragraph, no more than 200-300 words and describes the essence of the contents of the entire writing; KEYWORDS maximum 5 words in Indonesian and English; INTRODUCTION contains the background, the importance of the research, the gap between the previous research, and the research objectives; METHOD contains the time and location of research, materials and tools used, methods described in detail both research design, treatment, experimental design, methods and data analysis; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Results delivered briefly and clearly. The data displayed has been analyzed and compiled according to the research objectives. The tables, graphs and images displayed are also adjusted to answer and explain problems according to the research objectives. The discussion is deeply related to the purpose of the study, the hypothesis (if any), also compares its relationship with the results of previous studies; CONCLUSION contains the most important results of the study in accordance with the main objectives of the study by collaborating significant research results and the implications of the results of the research presented in paragraph form; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS are conveyed to Institutions and individuals who have helped significantly the smoothness of research, funding and script writing.
Latin names of plant species refer to The Plant List (, while species refer to IUCN (
Images, Maps, and Tables
Image titles (photos, graphics, maps) and tables (including column headings, lane titles, and information) are written in Indonesian and English (in italics). The title of the image is written below the image while the title of the table is written at the center of the table. Pictures, maps, and tables are numbered according to the information in the text. Images, maps, and graphics are displayed in black and white. Color images are only used if there is information missing without the image. Maps use geographic coordinates equipped with standard map attributes (legend, scale, wind direction).
Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporters of your research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may other supporters i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers who may have given materials.
All published works referred to in the text should be presents in a list of references and arranged alphabetically by the author without serial numbering. The author-year system is used in the text. Use the list of periodicals indexed in abstracts for the abbreviation of journal names: If there is any doubt, give the full name of the periodical. They should be referred to in the text by the name(s) of the first author and the year of publication in parentheses, using the following format: (Jordano and Godoy 2002) or Jordano and Godoy (2002). Use the first author‘s name and "et al." when there are more than two authors. The order for references within parentheses in the text should be typed start from the oldest year (Cobo et al. 2002; Kwabiah et al. 2003; Lupwayi et al. 2005). If the references have the same year, place them alphabetically. For works by the same author(s) in the year, append a lowercase a, b, c, etc. to the year of publication. At least 70% of the cited references shall be from scientific journals (5 years) are strongly encouraged. The author must cite minimum 3 articles from Jurnal Belantara. (Recommended Using the Mendeley Application with APA Style Format)