Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Desember 2023Keywords:
inclusive schools, special needs, student talentsArticles
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This research aims to find out which schools implement inclusive education for their students. As a result of the research, although the school has not implemented a specific inclusive school, it accepts and provides opportunities for every student to acquire learning. From these objectives, the problem formulation for this research is related to the implementation of inclusive schools. In this study, the researcher made elementary schools located in the Bandung City area as a sample for data sources involving students in grades 1-6 as many as 838 students. This study uses direct observation, interview and documentation study methods as a form of data collection conducted in October-November 2023 at one of the public elementary schools in Bandung City. All students in the school get the same treatment whether they have special needs or not, this answers the formulation of the problem posed in this study.References
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