
Sri Oetami Madyowati , Achmad Kusyairi , Sumaryam , Muhajir , Indra Wirawan , Didik Trisbiantoro , Kejora Handarini , Retnani Rahmiati






Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Community Empowerment


Dumbo Catfish, Round Pond, biofloc, Yard



How to Cite

Sri Oetami Madyowati, Achmad Kusyairi, Sumaryam, Muhajir, Indra Wirawan, Didik Trisbiantoro, … Retnani Rahmiati. (2024). PENYIAPAN MEDIA BUDIDAYA LELE DUMBO SISTEM BIOFLOK DI KOPRAL BUMILIS (KOLAM TERPAL BULAT MINIMALIS) PERKOTAAN. Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Community Empowerment, 4(2), 302–314.


A yard is an open area around a residence. Home gardens can be used for various productive purposes, such as ornamental plants, fruit, vegetables, spices and medicines. The potential of yard land can be used as one of the pillars for realizing food security and family welfare. One of the programs that is becoming a trend and is being carried out actively by the people of the city of Surabaya is using yard land to cultivate food crops, fisheries and animal husbandry, known as urban farming. A fishery commodity with great potential that many people are interested in cultivating in their yards is rearing catfish in Kopral Bumilis (minimalist round tarpaulin ponds). The problem for farmer groups in cultivating catfish is the arrangement of ponds in the yard and the high mortality rate of catfish during the cultivation process. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to carry out counseling and training on how to properly arrange ponds in the yard and prepare water media in cultivating catfish in Corporal Bumilis. The aim of this outreach and training activity is to utilize yard land by cultivating catfish in Kopral Bumilis, and preparing media for raising catfish in Kopral Bumilis. The approach method used is a continuous active participatory approach between the proposing team and partners, as the controller of the Community Partnership program plays an active role in providing regular assistance and guidance to partners. As a result of the meeting activities, it was agreed that the place for counseling and training would be carried out at the Bendul Merisi Village Hall, Wonocolo District, with the theme of arranging yard space for urban farming and preparing water for the biofloc system catfish rearing media at Corporal Bumilis. During the outreach activities, group members were very enthusiastic about the many questions, especially regarding the death of catfish seeds at the start of the catfish seeds being stocked. The pool used is a minimalist round tarpaulin pool belonging to a farmer's group. The way to reduce high mortality is to prepare pond water with a biofloc system, the quality and size of catfish seeds are 7-9 cm when stocked, control feeding every day. Obstacles that are often experienced are small children often scooping up catfish seeds and fishing for fish because the yard is open on public land, giving food that exceeds the dose and pelleted feed that is not moistened before giving it to the fish. The first conclusion of this activity is that the cultivation of African catfish in Corporal Bumilis in the Yard was received very enthusiastically, and asked for assistance starting from pond preparation, seed selection, seed distribution, monitoring and evaluation; secondly, the key to the success of the catfish cultivation business in Corporal Bumilis in the yard is the selection of seeds that are adapted to environmental fluctuations (seed size 7-9 cm is recommended), monitoring water quality and the frequency and amount of feeding during the cultivation process.

Author Biographies

Achmad Kusyairi, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Sumaryam, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Muhajir, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Indra Wirawan, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Didik Trisbiantoro, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Kejora Handarini, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Retnani Rahmiati, Universitas Dr. Soetomo