Managemen Gagal Jantung Akut di Instalasi Gawat Darurat: Sebuah Tinjauan Pustaka


  • Sidhi Laksono Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler, RS Jantung Diagram Siloam, Depok, Indonesia
  • Danisa Oktaverina Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hillary Kusharsamita Pertamina Central Hospital, South Jakarta, Indonesia



Acute heart failure is a disease that is often found in the emergency department and is defined as the rapid onset of new signs or worsening of a symptom of heart failure. Identifying symptoms and determining initial therapy and resuscitation (if needed) is an importantskillforphysicians in theemergencydepartment. Patientswith acuteheartfailure have high in-hospital mortality and high 1-year mortality, making AHF a global health problem. This literature review uses search engine PubMed dan Google Scholar to find articles discussing acute heart failure management, using keywords “Acute Heart Failureâ€, “Managementâ€, and “Emergency Departmentâ€. A patient with AHF may present with several distinct symptoms. When a patient comes with cardiogenic shock, rapid resuscitation using inotropes and identifying cause of shock is crucial. A patient presenting with APE may need immediate NIV, administration of loop diuretics (furosemide), and vasodilators. In stablepatients, other thanchoosing the right therapy, stratifying riskfactors to determine if further observation is needed or if patientmay go home safely is paramount.

