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Johan Mahyudi


Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ialah melakukan sosialisasi hasil penelitian terkait pengembangan model RPP blended satu halaman untuk pembelajaran teks sastra di masa Covid-19. Guru-guru yang hadir dalam sosialisasi diberi sejumlah penjelasan terkait alur dan hasil pengembangan RPP. Salah satu bagian penting sebelum sesi tanya jawab ialah penayangan bentuk RPP blended dari tahap rancangan hingga evaluasi. Meskipun banyak guru yang menganggap penggunaannya sudah tidak aktual lagi karena pandemi Covid-19 sudah berlalu, model yang dikembangkan dianggap sebagai salah satu model yang sederhana dan mudah diyang Bagi guru yang sudah lama menunggu kesempatan ini, membuat RPP sederhana nampaknya lebih bagus, tetapi tanpa model untuk ditiru, hal ini tetap memunculkan kesulitan. Tentu saja apa yang baru saja dikenali sebagai RPP sederhana tidak banyak membantu para guru dalam membangun persiapan yang maksimal untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran yang berfokus pada layar. Para guru mendadak dihadapkan pada situasi untuk beradaptasi lagi agar dapat menyusun RPP sederhana yang menggambarkan rencana pembelajaran secara daring.
The purpose of this community service is to disseminate research results related to the Development of a One-Page Blended Lesson Plan Model for Learning Literary Texts during the Covid-19 period. The teachers participating this program were given a number of explanations regarding the flow and results of the lesson plan development. One of the important parts before the question and answer session is the presentation of the blended lesson plans from the design stage to the evaluation stage. Although many teachers think that their lesson plans are no longer up to date to be used because the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, the newly-developed model is considered a simple and easy-to-use one. For teachers who have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, making a simple lesson plan seems better, but without a model to replicate, they still find it difficult to implement. Of course what has just been identified as a simple lesson plan does little to assist teachers in building the maximum possible preparation to maintain the quality of screen-focused learning. Teachers are suddenly faced with a situation where they have to re-adapt in order to be able to compile simple lesson plans that can picture their newly-developed one-page blended model via online platform.

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How to Cite
Mahyudi, J., Rusdiawan, Sukri, & Saharudin. (2022). Sosialisasi Hasil Pengembangan Model RPP Blended Satu Halaman untuk Pembelajaran Teks Sastra di Masa Covid-19. Darma Diksani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Pendidikan, Sosial, Dan Humaniora, 2(2), 61-69.