Case Report : Chronic Subdural Hematoma from Breath-hold Diving

  • Mitha Yunda Pertiwi
  • Rohadi Muhammad Rosyidi
  • Bambang Priyanto
  • Surahman Hadi
Keywords: headache, chronic SDH, arachnoid cyst, diving


Chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) is a collection of blood in the subdural space between the duramater and the arachnoid caused by a bridging vein rupture. One of the risk factors that can occur but rarely found is diving. Here we report a case of 20 year old patient with chronic subdural hematoma after breath-hold diving. the main complaint from this patient is headache that getting worse and he cannot do his daily activities. The patient had a history of diving 2 weeks before complaining of a headache. The CT scan of the head without contrast found that, right temporal chronic subdural hematoma, right temporal arachnoid cyst. Intracranial hemorrhage after diving was caused by barotrauma, which would cause rupture of the blood vessel due to an increase intracranial pressure. Beside that, intracranial hemorrhage can be caused by rupture arachnoid cyst.