Publication Fees
Submission: Every article submitted to the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium (JMAI) is free of charge. All articles that enter the OJS system will be checked simply (quick reviewing) by the chief/manager of the journal. If the article is in accordance with the scope of the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium, then the related article will begin to be processed for review by the editor and reviewer.
Article Processing Charges (APCs): In order to be able to start the stages of inspection by editors and reviewers, authors are requested not to be charged (free). Authors are expected to have the commitment and seriousness to publish their scientific work in the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium.
Mendeley referencing : Especially for articles that have not utilized Mendeley's features to organize their literature, the editorial of Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium will make adjustments (library improvements) with free funding (Rp. 0,-)
Turinitin Paraphrasing: Especially for articles that have a plagiarism rate in the range of 25% -35%, the editorial of the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium will help organize the sentence structure so that the percentage of plagiarism can be reduced to <25%. The fee charged is free (Rp. 0,-). Articles with a plagiarism rate > 35% are the responsibility of the author to paraphrase independently.
Publication Fees: Articles that have passed the inspection stage by editors and reviewers, have a good turnitin test score (<25%), have used Mendeley to organize the library, and have received approval from the chief/manager of the journal, are subject to a publication fee of Rp. 100,000. This fee is the final fee before the article is published in the nearest issue of the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium.
Recapitulation of Publication Fees in the Indonesian Journal of Aquaculture Medium;
Submission : : Rp. 0,-
Article Processing Charges (APCs) : Rp. 0,-
Mendeley referencing : Rp. 0,-
Turinitin Paraphrasing : Rp. 0,-
Publication Fees : Rp. 100.000,-