BRCA1 Expression Profile in Breast Cancer Patients in West Nusa Tenggara
BRCA1, cancerAbstract
Abstract: Breast cancer is still the highest case in Indonesia. The mortality ratio: incidence of breast cancer in various countries can be influenced by differences in the clinical and biological profiles of tumors like BRCA1 expression status. In addition, several parameters that can be reviewed based on breast cancer incidence such as age and domicile can also be associated with BRCA1 expression. BRCA1 is tumor suppressor gene. This protein works as a cell cycle regulator. Germline mutations of BRCA1 are the main cause of inherited breast cancer. Breast cancer with BRCA1 mutations only contributes 20-40% to breast cancer incidence, but this condition have adverse tumor characteristics with poor prognosis. The aim of this study is to determine the BRCA1 expression profile in breast cancer patients in West Nusa Tenggara based on age and domicile status. A 50 paraffin blocks of breast cancer tissue were examined for BRCA1 expression status using immunohistochemistry techniques. Samples and clinicopathological data were obtained from Pathology Anatomy Laboratory collection in NTB Provincial Hospital and medical records. BRCA1 expression profile in breast cancer patients will be analyzed descriptively using the frequency distribution of BRCA1 expression based on age and domicile. The negative BRCA1 expression is high at age <40 (59.1%) in Central Lombok and East Lombok districts (40%). Negative BRCA1 expression was found at age <40 years, found in two districts in NTB.Downloads