Vasopresin and Corticosteroid use in Septic Shock : A Review
Shock, sepsis, sepsis shock, vasopressin, corticosteroid, hydrocortisoneAbstract
Septic shock is a life-threatening organ dysfunction accompanied by abnormalities in the circulatory, cellular and metabolic systems, thereby increasing the risk of death due to the body's response to an infection. Sepsis remains a global health and economic problem. The condition of sepsis is caused by increased capillary permeability and decreased peripheral vascular resistance so it is classified as distributive shock. The main treatment for this condition is fluid resuscitation accompanied by administration of inotropic agents (vasopressors), administration of antibiotics and reducing excessive inflammation in the body. Several new studies regarding the efficacy of vasopressin therapy with corticosteroids are also being considered. Therefore, this study will discuss septic shock and its management, especially with a combination of vasopressin and corticosteroids.Downloads