Analaysis Of Variations In Drainage Hole Distance From The Base Of The Tube And Nutrient Concentration On The Growth Of Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.) in AJB system

  • Tia Ardiani Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
  • Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah
  • Asih Priyati Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
Keywords: AJB system, nutrient, pakcoy, planting media


The climate in Indonesia is very suitable for agriculture, especially the cultivation of holticulturalcrops (vegetables), like pakcoy (Brassica chinencis L.). However, as time goes by and populationgrowth, there is a lot of conversion of agricultural land which causes limited agricultural land.Especially for urban areas and it’s surroundings. Hydroponics is one solution to overcome thelimitations of agricultural land, but the hydroponic system requires a fairly high cost andcomplicated system. The AJB system is here as a solution for low cost and simple hydroponicsystem. The purpose of this study was to determine the distance of the drainage hole from thebottom of the tub and the most suitable nutrient concentration in the AJB system for the cultivationof pakcoy plants. The method used in this study is an experimental method by observing the growthof pakcoy plants in the AJB system with variations in the distance of the drainage holes from thebottom of the tub and different nutrient concentrations. The parameters of the research were:permeability, porosity, texture, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, plant wet weight andplant water requirement. The results showed that the average permeability of the growing mediawas 24.661 cm/hour. The porosity of the planting medium was 33.333 %. The texture of thegrowing media contains 3.33-4.67 % clay, 10-10.67 % dust and 85.33-86.67 % sand. Plant height,number of leaves and leaf area doesn’t show a lot of difference, in plant wet weight with thehighest value being 200.3 grams and the lowest being 87.3 grams. The amount of water neededby the AJB system is in accordance with the distance of the drainage hole from the bottom of thetub. The most suitable distance of the drainage hole from the bottom of the tub is 10 cm or 7.5 cmwith a nutrient concentration of 1350 ppm.
How to Cite
Ardiani, T., Haji Abdullah, S., & Priyati, A. (2023). Analaysis Of Variations In Drainage Hole Distance From The Base Of The Tube And Nutrient Concentration On The Growth Of Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.) in AJB system. J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology), 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved from

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