Jurnal Wicara Desa 2024-06-24T00:05:08+00:00 Andre Rachmat Scabra Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal wicara Desa,</p> <p>adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat artikel hasil kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat desa yang berbasis potensi dan permasalahan yang ada di desa.</p> PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA LENTING KECAMATAN SAKRA TIMUR KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR DALAM PEMBUATAN PESTISIDA ALAMI BERBAHAN DASAR TEMBAKAU 2024-06-24T00:04:06+00:00 Indi Rizqy Fahrani Novi Ayunita Aditiya Rahmadi Elwani Pramesti Muhammad Al Munawar Tata Gusmianingrum I Gusti Made Bagus Sri Gunartha Lala Fuji Handayani Muhammad Ghiyats Hadi Akbar Baiq Nisva Azty Nuzula Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati <p>Pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa Lenting Kecamatan Sakra Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur dalam pembuatan pestisida alami berbahan dasar tembakau berawal dari permasalahan hama di desa tersebut. Sebagai desa yang selalu melakukan kegiatan pertanian, masyarakat Desa Lenting tentu saja tidak lepas dari permasalahan hama. Masyarakat menggunakan pestisida anorganik sebagai pengendali hama yang tentu saja akan berdampak buruk, baik bagi kesehatan petani maupun lingkungan. Kegiatan pertanian yang sering dilakukan di Desa Lenting adalah pertanian tembakau. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menambah wawasan penduduk desa mengenai pestisida organik terutrama tembakau, serta mengurangi penggunaan pestisida anorganik oleh penduduk desa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah praktik dan sosialisasi. Mahasiswa KKN melakukan praktik pembuatan pestisida alami dari tembakau, kemudian melakukan sosialisasi ke penduduk desa tentang alat dan bahan, cara pembuatan, serta kandungan pestisida tembakau. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pembuatan pestisida tembakau ini adalah masyarakat desa mendapatkan pengetahuan baru bahwa tembakau yang selama ini mereka tanam dapat dijadikan pestisida. Selain itu, melalui kegiatan ini masyarakat desa mulai menyadari tentang pentingnya pestisida organik bagi pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Kegiatan ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat, terbukti dengan respon masyarakat desa yang antusias ketika kegiatan dilakukan. Diharapkan masyarakat dapat terbiasa menggunakan pestisida alami kedepannya, terutama dengan memanfaatkan limbah tembakau. Hal ini untuk mewujudkan lingkungan pertanian di Desa Lenting yang aman dan dapat digunakan dalam jangka waktu panjang kedepannya.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH RUMAH TANGGA DENGAN KOMPOSTER KALENG BEKAS UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA DI DESA DARA KUNCI KECAMATAN SAMBELIA KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-24T00:04:08+00:00 Muhamad Zainul Fajri Awwalin Juhratul Istiqamah Solihin Rahmat Wiwin Utami Holizatun Nida Denisa Kartika Dewi Rizky Novansyah Hurnah Hurnah Ahmad Sohibul Kahfi I Made Suartika <p><em>Household waste management is an important aspect of tourism development in Dara Kunci Village, Sambelia District, East Lombok Regency. Although the tourism potential of Dara Kunci Village holds great promise for boosting the local economy, its development is still in its early stages and requires careful preparation. One aspect that needs attention is waste management, which is a crucial factor in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of tourist environments. Therefore, this activity aims to raise awareness among the community about the importance of waste management, and to introduce and implement a simple yet effective innovation, namely the use of recycled tin can composters, as an initial step in reducing household waste generation. The methods employed involve community awareness campaigns to promote environmental consciousness, training sessions on compost production using recycled tin can composters as a solution for household waste management systems, and providing guidance on compost production at home as a sustainable solution to reduce household waste generation. The results of this activity demonstrate an increase in knowledge and skills among the residents of Dara Kunci Village in managing household waste, resulting in the production of liquid organic fertilizer and compost. Although not all composts meet the desired maturity criteria, this activity provides valuable insights for the community into the composting process and the importance of patience in achieving optimal results</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI PENGEMBANGAN MANAJERIAL KELOMPOK UMKM DAN PEMASARAN PRODUK 2024-06-24T00:04:01+00:00 Rizki Hariyadi Hariyadi Jufrin Sulistia Ilma Yulita Supiati Muhajirin Muhammad Ilham Mujahidin Mega Cahyani Siskawati M. Aryabin Adzqia Rakien Dia’ul Adha <p><em>In the current era of globalization, MSMEs must increase the speed of thinking related to creativity and innovation on an ongoing basis. This process includes continuous product development, promotion, and productive. Socialization of product managerial and marketing of MSME products is very important in driving their business growth. Managerial is important for MSME owners so that they understand well how to manage their business. This socialization itself has a role in addition to managerial improvement and also aims to improve and provide understanding to MSME players in marketing their products in today's modern era. The implementation of this activity was held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at the Labuhan Pandan Village Office Hall, Sambelia, East Lombok. The KKN PMD program in Labuhan Pandan Village took place from December 2023 - February 2024. This socialization activity was carried out to be able to provide new understanding and learning for MSME players in Labuhan Pandan Village. We carried out socialization or counseling related to MSMEs on January 23, 2024 at the Labuhan Pandan Village Office Hall. This activity also invited MSME players by bringing processed products from each group. In addition, an understanding is given regarding the importance of having a halal label for a product. So that it is given an understanding that it is important to make NIB and SPP-IRT to be one of the requirements from BPOM to accept the halal label</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI EDUKASI PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DI KELURAHAN KELAYU JORONG 2024-06-24T00:04:12+00:00 Desy Aryanti Pardilla Vitri Gilang Zulfa Akbari Yasmin Yasmin Ahmad Naufal Afdhalu Lalu Artapati Rofi Akhlakul Insan Arnita Yanti Lisa Katun Nada Siti Khairun Hafizo Rijal Rizki Desima Ardira <p><em>Stunting is a condition where a child's physical state, especially height, differs from other children of the same age. Stunting can occur in children starting from the womb due to insufficient nutritional intake or infectious diseases. Kelayu Jorong </em><em>Subdistric </em><em>is one of the areas in East Lombok that is currently addressing the issue of stunting, based on survey information obtained on November 29, 2023. Therefore, through the Community Empowerment Real Work Lecture (KKN PMD) activity by Mataram University, a socialization activity is being carried out as an initial step to address and prevent stunting incidents in Kelayu Jorong</em><em> Subdistric</em><em>. The methods implemented include: 1) Conducting a census of the number of children experiencing stunting, 2) Monitoring stunting, 3) Socialization with implementation consisting of preparation and determination of target targets, making and sending letters, preparing event and activity equipment, and implementing socialization on stunting management at the office of Kelayu Jorong</em><em> Subdistric</em><em>. The results obtained show that in Kelurahan Kelayu Jorong, a total of 17 children are experiencing stunting. Based on information obtained from the community leader and interviews with several mothers who have stunted children, it is known that the community in Kelayu Jorong gets water from wells and often the water is not boiled before consumption. Therefore, socialization activities are carried out with the theme of clean and healthy living behavior as a preventive and treatment effort. This socialization activity receives enthusiasm from the community. This activity can provide understanding to the community about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and clean and healthy living behavior, with the hope that the health level of children in Kelayu Jorong </em><em>Subdistrict </em><em>can be improved.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH ORGANIK BERBASIS MAGGOT (Black soldier fly) UNTUK MENDUKUNG KEBERLANGSUNGAN ZERO WASTE DI DESA BILOK PETUNG KECAMATAN SEMBALUN KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-24T00:04:17+00:00 Ramadhani Baiq Amanda Esya Abdullah Fitria Gempar Manaki Gde Margin Antareja Haeruni Janu Wahyu Hidayat Nila Marta Sari Risa Amalia <p>West Nusa Tenggara Province faces serious waste management problems. Bilok Petung Village produces around 3 tonnes of waste per day, most of which ends up in the landfill. A zero waste approach using BSF (Black Soldier Fly) could be a solution. The aim of KKN activities in Bilok Petung Village is to explore the process of cultivating BSF (Black Soldier Fly) magots to support the implementation of zero waste. Activity methods include providing BSF cultivation facilities, collecting organic waste, hatching BSF eggs, maintaining BSF, harvesting eggs, processing maggots, and packaging products. The results of the activity show that BSF cultivation is able to process village organic waste into pupae and organic fertilizer with economic value. Pupae can be used as a source of animal protein and organic fertilizer can increase soil fertility. Thus, BSF cultivation has the potential to support the implementation of zero waste in Bilok Petung Village in a sustainable manner.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PELATIHAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGGUNAAN SISTEM INFORMASI AGRICULTURE BERBASIS WEBSITE DIGITAL MARKETING DI DESA SAJANG 2024-06-24T00:04:21+00:00 Farid Permadi Atika Mawaddah Deden Supriyadin Muhammad Rasyad Trialgi Risman Hadi Enang Kabila Tina Wahyuni Nadia Rahmawati Dwi Zahara Desak Made Devika Ratna Dewi Kurniawan Yuniarto <p>Pelaksanaan pengabdian pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh KKN Desa Sajang Periode 2023/2024 melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan mengenai pengembangan website digital marketing untuk sektor pertanian di Desa Sajang. Kegiatan dilakukan pada 31 Januari 2024 di kantor Desa Sajang, dihadiri oleh 35 peserta dari berbagai sektor terutama sektor pertanian. Metode awal melibatkan survei dan wawancara, observasi terhadap pelaku sektor pertanian. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan melibatkan presentasi mengenai website digital marketing khusus untuk Desa Sajang dan pemetaan lahan pertanian. Hasil yang di dapatkan berupa pelatihan masyarakat berupa pemetaan lahan fokus pada lahan petani produktif dengan menggunakan aplikasi seperti Avenza Map, Google Earth, dan ArcGIS. Data dari kelompok tani Gerok Sokong dan Bumi Lestari digunakan untuk pembuatan pemetaan lahan, dengan melibatkan penggunaan berbagai aplikasi untuk menciptakan sistem informasi dalam peta pertanian Desa Sajang. Pada pelatihan website, masyarakat diperkenalkan dengan istilah dan aplikasi seperti WordPress. Mereka diajarkan cara membuat website, menambahkan konten, produk, dan fitur pembayaran. Produk-produk tinggi produktivitas dari kelompok tani Gerok Sokong dan Bumi Lestari ditambahkan ke dalam website e-commerce yang kemudian diiklankan melalui media sosial. Dari hasil tersebut, pemetaan lahan dan website e-commerce dipublikasikan melalui ArcGIS Online dan website marketing Desa Sajang. Melalui pelatihan ini, masyarakat Desa Sajang dapat memanfaatkan website marketing dan pemetaan lahan sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan hasil panen dan ekonomi mereka</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PENINGKATAN KESEHATAN TERNAK GUNA MENJAGA KESTABILAN NILAI JUAL SAPI DI DESA DARMASARI, KECAMATAN SIKUR, KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-24T00:04:24+00:00 Aulia Syifa Lalu Djamika Santriawan Kadek Soni Olga Lalu Husnan Afif Hw Meri Zahroti Doyang Besari Rosalinda Yayan Amrullah I Nyoman Agus Aryadie Rukmana <p>Livestock health is one of the factors that influence the success of cattle farming in West Nusa Tenggara Province. One of the areas that has the potential for livestock development in NTB is Darmasari Village, Sikur district, East Lombok Regency. One of the problems that occurs in the village is that farmers do not maintain the health of livestock properly so that losses can occur as seen from the low knowledge of livestock health management. The purpose of the livestock posyandu is to improve the welfare of farmers through animal health and provide knowledge to farmers in livestock health management. Several methods of activities were carried out, including the preparation stage starting from surveys and observations, the implementation stage which consisted of briefings by the Animal Health and Livestock Services, group divisions, and healthy injection activities, and the final stage was carried out, namely the evaluation of activities. The results of the activities carried out include (1) briefing conducted by the Livestock and Animal Health Service Office represented by the Head of the Animal Health Division, (2) group division, (3) livestock health services carried out include giving vitamins and medicines to livestock, (4) evaluation carried out after the Livestock Posyandu activity is completed. With the livestock posyandu activities carried out routinely and continuously, it is expected to minimize the negative impact of livestock diseases so that the quality of livestock health increases and the selling price of livestock in the market is higher</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI PEMBUATAN PUPUK ORGANIK BERBAHAN DASAR KOTORAN SAPI DAN LIMBAH ORGANIK DI DESA LEMING KECAMATAN TERARA KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-24T00:04:29+00:00 Immy Suci Rohyani Wandika Bagas Dwi Andhika M. Sultan Hassanuddin B Eka Pratiwi Synthia Nur Rahmasari Mulyani Safitri Aulia Sri Sumiyati Muhammad Rasidi Annisa Sasi Fhatmayani Putri <p><em>Leming Village is a village located in the Terara District, East Lombok Regency, which is known for its large number of cattle breeders. The cow manure produced by these livestock has become an important issue that needs to be addressed in Leming Village due to the increasing amount of waste produced. Livestock waste, such as cow manure and other organic materials such as leaves, rice straw, and corn stalks, are the main sources of organic fertilizer. This organic fertilizer is useful in building soil fertility, especially if its use is done continuously over a long period of time. This activity aims to increase the understanding and skills of the community in managing cattle manure and organic waste into compost that is useful for agriculture and environmental cleanliness. This activity is carried out through socialization activities regarding the organic compost program from cattle manure and organic waste, implementation of activities in the form of counseling and compost making techniques from cattle manure and organic waste, as well as additional materials that will be used to accelerate compost making, then conducting evaluation and monitoring as well as community assistance. The results of the compost making process showed that temperature and pH checks were carried out twice, where the checks were carried out in the first and second weeks after the compost was made. The temperature check results in the first week showed that the temperature of the compost was 35°C with a pH of 5.5 and in the second week showed a value of 27°C and pH 7. With this activity, the community can process cattle manure into organic fertilizer, reduce the cost of purchasing chemical fertilizers, and maintain soil fertility better than the use of chemical fertilizers that can reduce fertility.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PEMBERDAYAAN PENGRAJIN ANYAMAN DAUN PANDAN DI DESA MAMBEN LAUK KECAMATAN WANASABA KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-24T00:04:33+00:00 Wildan Rosad Abdullah Aldi Saputra Ni Putu Eka Vannysia Sudani Baiq Nurmelawati Muhammad Rizki Adhe Mulya Muhammad Ardian Zarfani Siska Rozana Iskandar Maesa Aryani Ria Duljuhaini Desi Rahmayani Helmy Fuadi <p><em>The problems faced by pandan leaf craftsmen are one example of a problem in rural areas that needs to be addressed. Problems in rural areas can be overcome by carrying out development with community empowerment. Community empowerment by KKN PMD is carried out on craftsmen to increase the income and independence of craftsmen. This research aims to describe the stages of empowering pandan leaf craftsmen and the results of empowering pandan leaf craftsmen in Mamben Lauk Village, Wanasaba District, East Lombok Regency. The results of the research show that the empowerment of woven pandan leaves in Mamben Lauk Village has several stages, namely the survey stage, preparation for making products, making products packaging, promotion and marketing. Community empowerment activities through weaving pandan leaves in Mamben Lauk Village, Wanasaba District, East Lombok Regency, have provided several results, namely business development, increased awareness, increased independence, and increased community capacity and income distribution.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PENGEMBANGAN DESA AKAR-AKAR SEBAGAI DESA SENTRA HORTIKULTURAL BUAH-BUAHAN LAHAN KERING 2024-06-24T00:04:36+00:00 Mariska Sofiana Dewi Nova Riana Galih Yudiarsa Putre Anom Chairil Rizfi Sri Tejowulan <p>Akar Akar Village is mostly a dry land area with rainfall that only appears at the end of December and even in 2024 the first rain will appear at the beginning of January and will end sooner than other areas, thus this area is a dry area or has less access. water so that water problems are an important problem. This area is very suitable for the growth and production of fruit plants including grapes, longans, mangoes with premium quality results. Cultivating grapes has great advantages if people want to manage these plants and grapevines are very suitable on dry land such as in root villages and do not require a lot of water. The price of grapes is quite high and allows for a significant increase in income. The problems that have been identified are then carried out mapping of village potential which is carried out in socialization and village community empowerment activities which are carried out in 1 activity. In order to support community empowerment as an effort to improve the community's economy in the long term, the KKN group seeks to provide outreach regarding good and correct ways to cultivate grapes and hold field schools in vineyards to increase community knowledge. There are several grape plants that have been cultivated in every resident's yard. The grape seeds chosen for cultivation are imported types, because imported seeds are one of the seeds that will produce a higher market price compared to local seeds. This activity program is carried out to increase public knowledge about how to plant grapes correctly and be successful in harvesting grapes. Planting grapes can help a village become prosperous if the community already knows good and correct grape cultivation techniques and the potential of grapes as a profitable business</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa BUDIDAYA MAGGOT DALAM RANGKA MENGURANGI SAMPAH ORGANIK DI DESA BAYAN KECAMATAN BAYAN KABUPATEN LOMBOK UTARA 2024-06-24T00:04:41+00:00 Ahmad Luqman Sani Nurul Aeni Denda Regina Swari Elsa Pratiwi Rahmatullah Lalu Dattur Aqobatil Ulla Nova Fitriani Yeni Asmita Goni Assyidiqy Harley <p><em>Bayan Village is administratively located in Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Bayan Village consists of 9 hamlets which have recently expanded into 13 hamlets including East Bayan Belek Hamlet, West Bayan Belek Hamlet, Karang Salah Hamlet and Bumantar Hamlet with territorial boundaries to the north of Karang Bajo Village, to the east of Loloan Village, to the south National Park Forest Area, west of Senaru Village. Most of the people work as farmers and breeders and Bayan Village also has potential in the tourism sector, most of its area is used as agricultural land so that some of the people work as farmers and breeders. What is grown in Bayan Village is rice, corn, sticky rice, chilies, etc. Apart from being farmers, the people in Bayan Village have several livestock, namely chickens and cows. Almost all people in Bayan Village have chickens and cows. The large amount of waste generated in the form of livestock waste, etc. can disturb the comfort and health of the surrounding community. So the main work program offered is Maggot Cultivation.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa INOVASI MINUMAN HERBAL MIDANG UNTUK MENINGKATKAN NILAI TAMBAH TANAMAN OBAT KELUARGA DAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DESA GONDANG KECAMATAN GANGGA KABUPATEN LOMBOK UTARA 2024-06-24T00:03:56+00:00 Nanik Nia Puji Astuti Utari Nur Cahyani Ulya Rahmi Made Sriasih <p><em>Herbal drinks have become a popular alternative in maintaining people's health and well-being, especially in the modern era filled with the need for a healthy lifestyle. In Gondang village, Gangga sub-district, North Lombok district, the abundant potential of family medicinal plants (TOGA) has not been fully utilized. To address this challenge, an innovative herbal drink for Gondang village (MIDANG) aimed at increasing the added value of TOGA and improving public health was introduced to the Gondang village community. With a holistic approach, this activity covers the technical aspects of MIDANG production and the socio-economic implications of this product development. It is hoped that the MIDANG Herbal Drink will be a positive step towards sustainable prosperity for the people of Gondang Village and its surroundings.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KESADARAN MASYARAKAT UNTUK MENGURANGI ANGKA STUNTING OLEH KKN PMD UNRAM DI DESA KAYANGAN DENGAN PEMBERIAN OLAHAN PUDING KELOR 2024-06-24T00:04:46+00:00 Nisrina Zahra Deandra Alma Thalita Hensen Dadang Irawan Astriyani Nurikhlastari Abdika Thariqul Azamy Muhammad Yamin Neni Asti Artiwi Sri Khairani Nur Ihsani Zahratul Iman Eduardus Bayo Sili <p>Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) PMD is a form of student service as participants who go directly to the community and are continuously guided by field supervisors in educating the target village community, especially in health. The village that is the focus of this KKN is Kayangan Village, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency. Kayangan Village is a village supported by good natural resources to improve the development and welfare of the community. The natural resources consist of agricultural land and forest land. The kayangan village government has never escaped the activity of fostering the community to have a healthy lifestyle. this is done during posyandu activities. However, from the data obtained from the village head, the puskesmas and the posyandu cadres of kayangan village, there were 20% affected by stunting in 2023 and it is hoped that this figure will decrease in 2024. In realizing this hope, we from the Kayangan Village KKN group carried out 4 work programs with 1 main work program, namely socialization about health and the use of moringa leaves in an effort to realize a stunting-free generation and 3 additional work programs including posyandu, gymnastics, and gotong royong and distribution of moringa pudding carried out during posyandu activities.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI DAN PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR (POC) DARI LIMBAH JAMBU METE MENGGUNAKAN METODE EMBER BERTUMPUK 2024-06-24T00:04:50+00:00 Ani Fatin Humaira Anggi Sasmita Fadila Rahmatika Putri Ananda Khantasilo Rifki Ramdani Rizky Emayantiara Putri Osama Riza Rozaldi Osama Riza Rozaldi Yasin Jamadi Nurardianingsih Solihin Noval Liaturrahman I Wayan Yasa <p>Selengen Village is one of the villages in Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency which has abundant potential for plantation and agricultural products. One of the existing plantation products is cashew nuts. Abundant plantation products also result in high levels of plantation product waste which cannot be managed optimally by local communities. One effort that can be done is processing waste into organic fertilizer. For this reason, the PMD KKN team from Mataram University, Selengen Village, held a socialization regarding the manufacture of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) with the aim of utilizing plantation waste in the hamlet of Tangga, Selengen village. There were two methods used, namely socialization and direct practice involving the community members. farmers in the hamlet of Tangga Selengen Village. The activity was carried out on January 16 2024 in Tangga Hamlet, in collaboration with the North Lombok Regency Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK) as presenters and KKN students as demonstrators of the stages of making a LOF. From this activity, the output was obtained in the form of tools for making liquid organic fertilizer, namely stacked buckets and Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) products from cashew nuts. The resulting LOF can be utilized and applied by spraying it on plant leaves. After the entire series of events had been carried out, the event was closed by the presenter and ended with a group photo and distribution of POC products by KKN students to the participants. Socialization and education regarding the management of plantation waste into products must continue to be carried out. This is to increase community knowledge and habit in managing existing waste, as well as increase community consistency in protecting the environment.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI DESA SADAR LINGKUNGAN DAN PEMILAHAN SAMPAH 2024-06-24T00:04:54+00:00 Raden Aldi Hidayat Aulia Pratiwi Iskandar Nuzula Sopiyani Muhammad Alfan Farhan Nurul Qalbiah Sri Sulastri Mawar Fanesa Muhammad Ruliansyah <p>This socialization explains how public awareness is about waste in the surrounding environment and how to sort waste. KKN students provide facilities for the Teniga Village community regarding waste with the Environmental Service as the resource person with the aim of increasing public awareness regarding waste sorting which will later be sold to improve the community's economy. Students conducted a location survey to find out the waste problem in Teniga Village.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DENGAN PENCEGAHAN DAN PENGOBATAN SARIAWAN 2024-06-24T00:05:01+00:00 Fatya Kamila Putri Baiq Aluh Nurfatimah Early Windary Suhayatman Adila Rizkika <p>Aphtose stomatitis is an inflammatory disease that often occurs in the oral cavity. Thrush can usually be in the form of single or group spots that are yellowish white in color with a concave surface.&nbsp; The purpose of this activity is to increase health knowledge in students of SD Negeri 2 Terong Tawah through education on the prevention and treatment of thrush and can change health behavior in children of SDN 2 Terong Tawah in a better direction. Knowledge improvement is done by socialization and <em>pre test</em> - <em>post test</em> system. The results of written evaluations in the form of pre tests and post tests obtained a value with an average of 64.58 ± 16.14 otherwise after being given material exposure, some students experienced an increase and the average post test value obtained was 85 ± 8.84. This activity can increase knowledge about health in students of SD Negeri 2 Terong Tawah through education on the prevention and treatment of thrush.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa EDUKASI PENTINGNYA PENGGUNAAN SUPLEMEN KESEHATAN PADA ANAK-ANAK 2024-06-24T00:04:57+00:00 Faradillah Alfayzah Widi Gustita Utari Alfini Junaida Muhammad Imran Ade Pratama <p>As time goes by, there will be several lifestyle changes, one of which is people's consumption patterns. The widespread use of health supplements is one of the many things that has changed in people's consumption patterns. However, some people who consume health supplements only follow the times, without knowing the indications of these health supplements. In fact, health supplements are basically consumed to support nutritional deficiencies or strengthen a weak immune system, not as a substitute for the main nutrients that we should get from food. In addition, knowledge about health supplements is very dependent on age, so children still have quite poor knowledge about food supplements</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa IMPLEMENTASI PENGERING RUMPUT LAUT OTOMATIS MENGGUNAKAN ELECTRICAL HEATING SEAWEED HYBRID GUNA MENDUKUNG OPTIMALISASI KOMODITAS RUMPUT LAUT DI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 2024-06-24T00:05:04+00:00 M. Ahleyani Muhammad Riyadhus Sholihn Afrianti Dini Febrianti Lestari Qurratul Akyuni <p>Pengeringan rumput laut merupakan tahap krusial dalam pengolahan yang memengaruhi kualitas dan nilai produk akhir komoditas rumput laut. Namun, tantangan cuaca dan efisiensi pengeringan sering kali menjadi hambatan dalam usaha mitra tani. Dalam konteks ini, penelitian bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan Pengering Rumput Laut Otomatis menggunakan Hybrid Electrical Heating Seaweed (HEHS) di Mitra Tani Buwun Mas, Lombok Barat. Teknologi ini menggabungkan pemanas listrik dan sumber energi tambahan (hybrid) untuk mempercepat dan mengoptimalkan proses pengeringan rumput laut. Penelitian ini melibatkan langkah-langkah perancangan, pembuatan prototipe, dan uji coba di lapangan dengan mitra tani setempat. Hasil pengeringan dengan teknologi HEHS dibandingkan dengan metode tradisional, termasuk efisiensi waktu, kualitas produk, dan penggunaan energi. Data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis untuk mengukur dampak dan keberhasilan teknologi ini dalam mendukung kegiatan usaha mitra tani. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengering rumput laut otomatis menggunakan teknologi HEHS memiliki efisiensi pengeringan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional. Penggunaan sumber energi tambahan dari seperti sinar matahari, mampu mempercepat proses pengeringan tanpa mengorbankan kualitas produk. Hasil uji coba juga mengindikasikan peningkatan pendapatan mitra tani akibat peningkatan produksi dan kualitas produk. Dengan adanya Pengering Rumput Laut Otomatis menggunakan Hybrid Electrical Heating Seaweed, diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi yang berkelanjutan bagi mitra tani di Buwun Mas, Lombok Barat. Teknologi ini tidak hanya meningkatkan efisiensi pengeringan, tetapi juga memberdayakan mitra tani dalam usaha pertanian rumput laut mereka.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa SOSIALISASI PENDIDIKAN KONSERVASI GUNA MENINGKATKAN WAWASAN MENGENAI PENTINGNYA MENJAGA HUTAN DAN KEBERSIHAN LINGKUNGAN 2024-06-24T00:05:08+00:00 A’anggina Pebrianti Putri Andika Hasan Aprilia Ika Berliana Lora Agista Seftira Nuzul Rizki Ramadhan Regina Natasnya Putri Sulthanulmufti Maiser Syahputra <p><em>Pendidikan&nbsp; Konservasi&nbsp; merupakan&nbsp; sebuah&nbsp; proses&nbsp; pembelajaran&nbsp; untuk&nbsp; membangun spirit kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan keberadaan kawasan konservasi menyebabkan rasa kurang peduli masyarakat akan menjaga kawasan konservasi. Prinsip konservasi sangat penting untuk dipahami oleh masyarakat yang berada di daerah sekitar kawasan konservasi. Sebagai contoh adalah masyarakat di Dusun Kerandangan yang berada di sekitar taman Wisata Alam Kerandangan. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas dibutuhkan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran Masyarakat tentang pentingnya konservasi. Salah satunya dengan sosialisasi mengenai Pendidikan konservasi di madrasah di sekitar Kawasan hutan (TWA Kerandangan) yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran konservasi sejak dini. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pra kegiatan, kegiatan sosialisasi, mengajar di sekolah dan evaluasi. Sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa dan guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Riyadhul Wardiyah. MI Rayadhul Wardiyah. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini diikuti oleh siswa dan guru Mi Riyadhul Wardiah sebanyak 15 siswa kelas 4 dan 5 serta 3 orang guru.</em> <em>Pendidikan dan penyuluhan konservasi ini dapat meingkatkan pengetahuan siswa dan guru mengenai pentingnya pendidikan konservasi.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa PENDAMPINGAN PENINGKATAN NILAI EKONOMI KACANG BUNCIS MENJADI PRODUK OLAHAN DI SEMBALUN TIMBA GADING 2024-06-24T00:03:53+00:00 Muhammad Haikal Akram Arya Wisnu Mahendra Nur Yatin Citra Yuniarti Indradi Rahmatullah Johan Miranda Anisa Risti Putri Imbin Sari Feni Fatriani Tika Puspa Sari Muhammad Sarjan <p><em>Sembalun Timba Gading Village is one of 6 villages in the Sembalun sub-district. The strategic location of the area makes Sembalun Timba Gading Village very suitable for developing agricultural, plantation and tourism potential. Almost all the people in Sembalun Timba Gading Village work as farmers, but there are some people who work as civil servants, tour operators, MSME movers, etc. However, most of the community's income comes from the agricultural sector. One of the leading commodities of Timba Gading Village is Beans, which are planted and harvested every year. Therefore, Beans is our main focus, in this case Desapreneur, to improve the quality of MSMEs through the development and marketing of processed chickpea products.</em></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Wicara Desa