Samota Journal of Biological Sciences 2024-04-30T13:53:08+00:00 Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya, MSc, Ph.D. Open Journal Systems <p>SJBIOS is the official publication of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram. All articles published in SJBIOS are peer-reviewed and published online for immediate access and citation.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ethnobotanical Study of Komak Plants in East Lombok Regency 2024-04-30T04:08:04+00:00 Agustia Fitri Handayani sukiman sukiman Kurniasih Sukenti Nur Indah Julisaniah Rina Kurnianingsih <p>Indonesia is a country that has a high level of diversity, with fertile soil so various types of plants can grow well, such as beans. One of the Leguminosae that has the potential to be cultivated as a vegetable, protein source and animal feed is the komak plant. East Lombok Regency is part of West Nusa Tenggara Province which has a number of areas that produce komak plants which are quite high, but information on their utilization is still limited. This study aims to determine the diversity of species and morphology of the komak plant, utilization, and cultivation of the komak plant based on local knowledge of the people in East Lombok Regency. The research was conducted in several sub-districts in East Lombok Regency from August 2021 to June 2022. This research used the <em>Purposive sampling</em> and<em> Snowball sampling</em> with semi-structured interviews. The results of this study found 3 species of komak plants namely <em>Lablab purpureus</em> (L) Sweet (which consists of 3 variants <em>Lablab purpureus</em> subsp. <em>purpureus</em>, <em>Lablab purpureus</em> var. <em>typicus</em> and <em>Lablab purpureus</em> var<em>.</em> <em>lignosus</em>), <em>Phaseolus lunatus</em> L. and <em>Canavalia ensiformis</em> (L.) DC. Various uses of komak as food, animal feed, land border, shade, hair fertilizer and traditional events. <em>L</em><em>ablab purpureus</em> subsp. <em>purpureus</em> is the most important type of komak with an ICS value of 27 which is used in almost all types of utilization. Community knowledge in East Lombok Regency in cultivating komak plants is quite good starting from seed preparation, planting process, maintenance and harvesting of&nbsp; komak plants.</p> 2024-04-30T03:39:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agustia Fitri Handayani, sukiman sukiman, Kurniasih Sukenti, Nur Indah Julisaniah, Rina Kurnianingsih Potensi Bunga Cempaka Kuning Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. Ex Pierre Sebagai Antiinflamasi 2024-04-30T04:08:05+00:00 Raudhah Hayatillah Widie Kemala Hapsari <p>Yellow champaca is a family of Magnoliaceae, which is designated as the identity of the Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam area, known as Bungong Jeumpa. Yellow champaca contains phytochemicals which can act as antioxidants and can act as an anti-inflammatory, so yellow champaca is widely used as a medicinal plant. Compounds contained in yellow chrysanthemum such as tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponin, sterols and others can act as anti-inflammatories by inhibiting the action of inflammatory media which play a role in the process of inflammation. Yellow champaca is scientifically proven to have anti-inflammatory benefits. Present studi is a compilation of several aspects the indicate that Yellow champaca has potential as an anti-inflammatory which was tested based on content of secondary metabolite compounds.</p> 2024-04-30T03:40:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Raudhah Hayatillah, Widie Kemala Hapsari HABITAT PERINDUKAN Ae. albopictus DI PANTAI PENGHULU AGUNG DAN SEKIP, AMPENAN, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 2024-04-30T04:08:05+00:00 Baiq Nuraini Ayu Pita Galuh Tresnani Bambang Fajar Suryadi Yuliadi Zamroni AA Ngurah Nara Kusuma <p>Ampenan is one of a coastal area with a dense population in Mataram City. There are lots of people activity in Penghulu Agung and Sekip beach since they are the recreational area in Ampenan District, and therefore diseases transmission through mosquito bites becomes easily. The research aims are to determine the abundance and habitat characteristics of Aedes albopictus as a vector of dengue fever in Penghulu Agung and Sekip beach. This esearch is a descripftive explorative research using random sampling and explorative methods. According to research results it can be conclude that the relative abundance value of Aedes albopictus from both location is 53.80% (high). The breeding habitat mostly in the form of bucket and boat with a dense of vegetation or canopi. environmental factors in the research location such as water temperature range between 29.8 - 30.5 Celcius, air temperatur between 25.5 - 29.9 Celcius, humidity between 52 - 76%, water acidity 6 - 8, salinity 0%, and light intensity 105 - 30,430 lux.</p> 2024-04-30T03:42:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Nuraini Ayu Pita, Galuh Tresnani, Bambang Fajar Suryadi, Yuliadi Zamroni, AA Ngurah Nara Kusuma BIODIVERSITAS TERESTRIAL KAWASAN PANTAI CEMARA KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT 2024-04-30T04:08:05+00:00 Nurrijawati Nurrijawati Rika Rindahmawati Ferza Ayu Saputri Tri Mulyaningsih Baiq Dewi Permatasari Dining Aidil Candri <p>Pantai Cemara merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata eco-mangrove yang sedang aktif dikembangkan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Saat ini eksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati pada ekosistem di Pantai Cemara hanya terfokus pada ekosistem mangrove, sedangkan wilayah daratan belum tereksplorasi bahkan belum ada referensi mengenai keanekaragaman hayati daratan di Pantai Cemara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati daratan di Pantai Cemara agar dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi masyarakat setempat untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman tumbuhan, burung dan serangga tergolong sedang. Pada tumbuhan, nilai indeks keanekaragaman tumbuhan pada tingkat pohon sebesar 1,31, tiang 1,55, pancang 1,72, dan semai 1,68. Pada burung pemukiman 1.489, burung pesisir 2.174. Demikian pula keanekaragaman serangga sebesar 1,75 termasuk sedang. Dengan demikian, dari keseluruhan hasil taksa yang telah diamati, keanekaragaman hayati di kawasan daratan Pantai Cemara tergolong dalam kategori <em>sedang.</em></p> 2024-04-30T03:57:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurrijawati Baiq Dewi Permatasari Rika Rindahmawati Ferza Ayu Saputri Tri Mulyaningsih Dining Adil Candri Diagnosis and Factors Causing the Incidence of Diarrhea in the Community of Senteluk Village Tourism Area, Batu Layar, West Lombok Regency 2024-04-30T13:53:08+00:00 Rozikin Rozikin Deny Sutrisna Wiatma <p><span class="fontstyle0">Recurrent or widespread diarrhea in the community is a significant health burden, especially for children and the elderly. This study will determine the priority of medical health problems in the community of Senteluk village tourism area and trace the factors that cause them. The method used in this study is the prioritization of medical and non-medical problems with the Delbecq method and the search for factors causing problems and their support through questionnaires and nutritional status checks on 177 respondents. The results are clear: diarrhea is the most prevalent medical problem in the Senteluk area, with 40% of respondents reporting it as a significant issue. This is followed by dengue hemorrhagic fever (33.33%), ARI/pneumonia (13.33%), dyspepsia (6.67%), and malaria (6.67%). The results were clear on non-medical issues as well. A whopping 79 people (44.63%) lack access to clean water, 87 (49.15%) have inadequate waste management, 98 (55.37%) lack proper liquid waste management (drainage), and 117 (66.1%) lack effective diarrhea prevention programs. Furthermore, the source of nutrition for residents is also not good resulting in Abnormal nutritional status 111 (62.71%). This is a significant factor influencing the incidence of diarrhea in Senteluk tourist village</span></p> 2024-04-30T08:24:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rozikin Rozikin, Deny Sutrisna Wiatma