Jurnal Pepadu 2024-07-02T06:27:18+00:00 Andre Rachmat Scabra Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JURNAL PEPADU </strong>adalah jurnal ilmiah nasional yang mempublikasikan artikel yang ditulis berdasarkan berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>FOCUS AND SCOPE :<br></strong></p> <p>Artikel yang dimuat di <strong>Jurnal PEPADU</strong> meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari semua disiplin ilmu dan juga memuat artikel-artikel terbaik dari <strong>Seminar Nasional PEPADU</strong> (Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) yang diselenggarakan oleh LPPM Universitas Mataram secara rutin setiap tahun</p> PELATIHAN PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN MASJID MENGGUNAKAN PROGRAM EXCEL PADA PENGURUS MASJID SE KELURAHAN AMPENAN SELATAN KECAMATAN AMPENAN KOTA MATARAM 2024-06-14T05:41:44+00:00 Burhanudin Surya Zainal Abidin Muttaqillah Muttaqillah Muhdin Muhdin Iwan Kusuma Negara <p>Organisasi yang terkait dengan masjid yakni Pengurus Masjid, dan Remaja Masjid dalam pengelolaan keuangannya masih bersifat tradisional dan sederhana. Dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan hanya berupa catatan kas dan disampaikan pada saat hari jum’at, Ada masjid yang menyampaikan informasi keuangan masjid dengan cara menempel catatan kas di papan pengumuman, tapi data yang diumumkan tidak mutakhir. Tujuan kegiatan diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada pengurus Masjid dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan Masjid sebagai organisasi nirlaba menggunaan aplikasi excel. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode pelatihan, dengan materi pelatihan yang diberikan meliputi Karakteristik dan Akuntabilitas Entitas Berorientasi Nonlaba, Pengenalan akuntansi dasar serta Studi kasus pencatatan dan&nbsp; penyusunan laporan keuangan masjid menggunakan program Excel. Teknik penyampaian menggunakan teknik ceramah, tanya jawab. dan peragaan. Teknik&nbsp; ceramah digunakan berkenaan dengan penyampaian materi pelatihan. Sedangkan teknik&nbsp; Tanya jawab digunakan untuk menggali segala permasalahan yang dihadapi para anggota pelatihan (Pengurus/Takmir Masjid, Remaja Masjid dan Kelompok Pengajian Ibu-Ibu) se Kelurahan Ampenan Selatan berkaitan dengan proses penyusunan laporan keuangan masjid menggunakan program Excel.</p> <p>Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Masjid An Nur Madani Lingkungan Karang Buyuk Ampenan Selatan&nbsp; pada hari Sabtu tanggal 22 Juli 2023. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa peserta faham tentang materi peletihan yang disampaikan, dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab tentang permasalahan proses penyusunan laporan keuangan masjid menggunakan program Excel serta solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini peserta mampu melakukan proses pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan masjid menggunakan program Excel secara transparan dan akuntabel. Mengingat kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat bermanfaat bagi peserta, maka perlu ada upaya lanjutan dalam bentuk pendampingan &nbsp;dalam praktek akuntansi keuangan masjid.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu SOCIALIZATION AND TRAINING ON PROCESSING STRAWBERRY INTO STRAWBERRY JAM PRODUCTS 2024-06-14T05:41:33+00:00 Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini Royanissa Julia Rahmadewi Nangurman Arya Wardana Rahil Failman Nafiatun Wawan Setiawan <p>One of the most striking natural attractions in the Sembalun Lawang area is the strawberry garden which is a tourist attraction. The abundant agricultural produce of strawberries has not been utilized by local residents to become a processed product that adds economic value. Strawberry processing is also useful for increasing the shelf life of the product. Strawberries can be processed into strawberry jam and used in making mochi snacks. The aim of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the Sembalun Lawang Village community in processing strawberries into strawberry jam. This activity is also an effort to increase the added value of strawberries and the selling price of strawberries during the main harvest and the high level of damage to strawberries due to the short shelf life. Socialization and training was carried out on January 24 2024 in Sembalun Lawang Village, East Lombok, involving PKK members, Karang Taruna, Strawberry Farmers, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Socialization was carried out using lecture and discussion methods, while training was carried out by demonstration and making strawberry jam directly by participants. Community service activities are carried out by the Unram community service team from several faculties. The resource for socialization and training is a lecturer at the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry, University of Mataram. Socialization and training activities went smoothly. Participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in the activity as shown by the many questions asked regarding techniques for making strawberry jam, shelf life, information that must be written on the label and so on. The large number of participants who attended also showed the public's high interest in knowing how to process strawberries into strawberries and making strawberry jam. The conclusion that can be drawn is that there has been an increase in the knowledge and skills of the Sembalun Lawang Village community regarding processing strawberries into strawberry jam.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu SOSIALISASI DAN PENDAMPINGAN PEMANFAATAN LAHAN PEKARANGAN SEKOLAH DI SDN 15 AMPENAN, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 2024-06-14T05:41:16+00:00 Suprayanti Dewi Kisman Kisman Ananda Wahidah Fitriannisa F Zubaidi Sri Maryanti <p>Tim pengabdian melakukan kegiatan pengabdian bertempat di SDN 15 Ampenan, sebuah sekolah dasar negeri di Pulau Lombok, dengan tema pemanfaatan lahan tidak termanfaatkan di pekarangan sekolah. Kegiatan ini meliputi empat kegiatan yaitu observasi, koordinasi, sosialisasi dan pendampingan penanaman tanaman hortikultura dan tanaman obat. Tahap pertama yaitu observasi dan koordinasi yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2024.&nbsp; Permasalahan yang mendasar dalam pengembangan budidaya pekarangan adalah lokasi lahan sebagai calon lokasi penanaman sedikit ternaungi oleh bangunan kelas dan tembok. Tanaman yang sesuai dengan kondisi lahan yang telah dibersihkan secara bergotong royong setelah survey pendahuluan adalah tanaman kangkung darat, tomat, cabai, terung bulat dan terung Panjang, lengkuas, lidah buaya serta jahe. Setelah tim pelaksana menginisiasi pemanfaatan lahan dalam budidaya tanaman hortikultura, diperoleh hasil berupa pendampingan pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan sekolah berjalan dengan baik. Selain sebagai wadah pembelajaran proses tumbuh kembang tanaman, kegiatan ini jika diterapkan di rumah-rumah siswa diharapkan lebih lanjut dapat menjamin ketahanan pangan bagi keluarganya. Dukungan berkala ini harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab moral untuk memberikan dukungan, menumbuhkan komitmen, dan meningkatkan sumber daya manusia di bidang terkait.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENYULUHAN PEMANFAATAN SUMBER AIR TERBATAS DI DAERAH PERBUKITAN TIBU LILIN KECAMATAN LEMBAR KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT 2024-06-14T05:40:59+00:00 I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara Humairo Saidah Rohani Rohani Suparjo Suparjo Atas Pracoyo Anid Supriyadi Agus Suroso <p><em>The people of Tibu Lilin Hamlet are a hamlet located in the hills south of Gumise Hamlet and located just to the north of Selamat Harbor. Along the village road are steep hillsides that have been used as villages, so the topography of this hamlet is very irregular. The community's water source during the rainy season comes from springs around the village in the form of water from springs, well water and seepage water from rock fragments on existing hillside cliffs. Meanwhile, during the dry season, most of the water sources dry up and only one or two locations have water with very minimal potential. Water shortages during the dry season are met by buying water from collectors who transport it by truck or tanker to Tibu Lilin Hamlet. Therefore, this service aims to educate the community about how to utilize limited water sources around the hills to help provide community water. The service was carried out in the stages of location coordination, location survey, outreach activities, discussion and question and answer as well as evaluation. Counseling was provided in the form of water storage methods, water storage tank methods and ways of managing water sources in mutual cooperation.</em></p> <p><em>This service has succeeded in providing the Tibu Lilin community with knowledge about water sources, how to collect water and manage water sources together. The community has been shown how to make water reservoirs and how to make pipe networks to channel water to the hamlet.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PROGRAM PEMETAAN LAHAN KRITIS DENGAN REMOTE SENSING UNTUK KEWASPADAAN BAJIR DAN TANAH LONGSOR AKIBAT PERUBAHAN FUNGSI LAHAN DI DAERAH MANDALIKA 2024-06-14T04:23:54+00:00 Made Sutha Yadnya Bulkis Kanata Abdullah Zainuddin Paniran Paniran Cipta Ramadhani Rosmaliati Rosmaliati <p><em>Lecturers' empathy in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is to provide community service against the dangers of landslides by changing the function of land from hills to landfill. Mataram University has an observatory in Rembitan, part of the Geomagnetic Science and Technology Excellence Center (PUI), which measures the earth's magnetism with the nTesla (Nano Tesla) earth magnetic unit. The measurement results show an anomaly (a decrease in the earth's magnetic value. This is a precursor to an earthquake. Sade and Rembitan villages are one area that must be protected and provide knowledge about the dangers of floods and landslides due to extreme weather. The process of using remote sensing with photos air. The results have been obtained from several disaster-prone points. The women's group in Sade Village has agreed to create a reforestation group to mitigate disasters.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu ARITMIA: AKTIVITAS BERMAIN TINGKATKAN KINERJA SIVITAS AKADEMIKA PROGRAM STUDI FARMASI UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 2024-06-19T10:03:20+00:00 Candra Eka Puspitasari Agriana Rosmalina Hidayati Fitri Ariani Anggit L. Sunarwidhi Siti Rahmatul Aini Iman Surya Pratama Pujiarohman Pujiarohman Nur Indah Agustini <p>Perguruan tinggi dalam menjalankan aktivitas profesional dibidang pendidikan tidak terlepas dari peran dosen dan tenaga pendidik. Program Studi Farmasi Universitas Mataram merupakan salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri yang bersinergi dalam meningkatkan mutu akademika. Dalam rangka melaksanakan fungsi dan peran yang profesional, diperlukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas kerja dosen dan tenaga pendidik. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas kerja serta kekompakan dosen dan tenaga pendidik dengan memberikan <em>training</em> melalui <em>games</em> secara berkelompok. Kegiatan yang telah terselenggara berjalan dengan baik yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya kerja sama, kekompakkan, kepemimpinan, kepercayaan, kejujuran, kreativitas, dan kemampuan mendengarkan pendapat antar peserta. Selanjutnya, pasca kegiatan nampak adanya peningkatan kekompakan dan kualitas kerja SDM.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu TEKNOLOGI PENETASAN ITIK MOJOSARI DI PETERNAKAN RAKYAT MONG GELEMONG DI DESA DASAN CERMEN KECAMATAN SANDUBAYA KOTA MATARAM LOMBOK 2024-06-19T10:03:27+00:00 Budi Indarsih Moh. Hasil Tamzil Asnawi Asnawi I Nyoman Sukartha Jaya Ni Ketut Dewi Haryani <p>Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat&nbsp; ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan peternak itik dalam menyediakan bibit anak itik yang dibutuhkan pada saat peremajaan (replacement) sebelum itik afkir. Untuk itu penyuluhan dengan metode&nbsp; ceramah, demonstrasi (praktek),&nbsp; diskusi&nbsp; dan&nbsp; tanya&nbsp; jawab dilakukan dari bulan 10 Juli sampai 16 Oktober 2022 bertujuan&nbsp; membimbing&nbsp; kelompok peternak memperbaiki teknologi penetasan yang masih konvensional.&nbsp; Dua rasio perkawinan diterapkan 1:4 dan 1:6 pada itik&nbsp; Mojosari. Praktek yang dihasilkan bahwa rasio jantan dan betina tidak mempengaruhi pengaruh&nbsp; fertilitas dan&nbsp; daya tetas, kualitas tetas, kematian embrio dan kematian anak itik dalam kulit. Rasio jantan dan betina 1:4 dan 1:6 menghasikan fertilitas (%) 88,4 ± 6,5 dan 88,6 ± 12,1; daya tetas (%)&nbsp; 80,5 ± 5,3 dan 57,4 ± 39,4&nbsp; dan&nbsp; kualitas tetas (%) 71,0 ± 2,7 dan 52,6 ± 41,9. Angka ini lebih tinggi dibanding hasil pengalaman peternak yang hanya mampu menghasilkan daya tetas sekitar 50%. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan dampak positif bagi peternak didasarkan atas respon peternak ketika evaluasi&nbsp; kegiatan dilakukan melalui&nbsp; kuessioner.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENYULUHAN TENTANG KEWIRUSAHAAN SYARIAH BAGI PEMUDA DI KELURAHAN TANJUNG KARANG PERMAI KECAMATAN SEKARBELA KOTA MATARAM 2024-06-19T10:03:32+00:00 Endang Astuti M. Irwan Putu Karismawan Lukman Hakim Muhammad Dzul Fadli <p>Keterbatasan pemahaman pemuda tentang Kewirausahaan syaraih di Kelurahan Tanjung Karang Permai Kecamatan Sekarblea yang mendasari dilaksanakannya kegiatan pengabdian ini. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah&nbsp; memberikan pemahaman kepada pemuda berkaitan dengan kewirausahaan syariah yaitu Arti dan Prinsip-prinsip&nbsp; Kewirausahaan Syariah,&nbsp; Etika Wirausaha&nbsp; Syariah,&nbsp; Mental Wirausaha Syariah, Pemasaran Usaha Secara Syariah, dan Ide dan Peluang Usaha. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut solusi yang dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan syariah dan beberapa aspek yang menjadi bagian dari kegiatan kewirausahaan syariah melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan memberikan dorongan dan dukungan kepada peserta yang ingin mengembangkan usaha serta cara memperoleh modal usaha. Kegiatan penyuluhan telah berjalan dengan baik yang dihadiri lebih dari 23 orang dari 30 orang jumlah yang ditargetkan. Peserta yang hadir lebih banyak berlatar belakang sebagai pemuda yang berusaha sebagai pedagang dan beberapa masyarakat serta kepala-kepala lingkungan yang berada&nbsp; di Kelurahan Tanjung Karang Permai.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu GO ORGANIK: PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN PUPUK ORGANIK BERBAHAN DASAR KOTORAN KAMBING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS HASIL PERTANIAN DI DESA JERO GUNUNG 2024-06-19T10:03:23+00:00 Edwin Muslim Rohyatul Audil Ridoni Saoloan Purba Astika Sari Dewi Nurani Asiyah Elda Nur’ Atika Raudatul Jannah Nurisnaniah Nurisnaniah Wahyu Anggara Desa Ridoni Saoloan Purba Candra Eka Puspitasari <p>The majority of the people of Jero Gunung Village work as farmers and breeders with one of the main problems being the limited availability of fertilizer to fulfill plant nutrition and support agricultural products. Apart from that, from the livestock aspect, people do not utilize the potential of livestock waste. So, activities need to be carried out to explore the potential and socialize this potential to the community, namely by Go-Organic, namely training in making trichocompost organic fertilizer. The aim of this training is to increase the understanding of breeders and farmers in Jero Gunung Village regarding how to make organic fertilizer from livestock manure, especially goats. The method of training activities carried out is in the form of socialization which consists of delivering material by Cooperation Partner experts from CV. Persada Hijau, question and answer session, and practice of making organic fertilizer guided by facilitators, namely PMD KKN students from Jero Gunung Village. The people who attended were enthusiastic about the activity, especially because the results of the activity were trichocompost fertilizer which had been made and then distributed to the people who attended.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL DALAM PENCEGAHAN STUNTING DI DESA TERATAK, BATUKLIANG UTARA 2024-06-19T10:03:15+00:00 Fitria Agustina Budiono Putri Dena Indiarto Permadi Deanaldo Setiawan Aninfento Respi Eka Septi Muhidayani Dyah Fortuna Surachman Uswatun Ijah Achmad Sajidan Mustaqrobin Muslihatun Muslihatun Irfan Zikrul Hadi Pina Hannisa Hayati Hayati <p>Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition, especially in the first 1000 days of life. This condition is the result of the child's nutritional needs not being met, which results in the child's height becoming very short. Currently, there are still cases of stunting in Teratak Village, even though this village is one of the areas with fisheries and livestock natural resource commodities. This can occur due to low public knowledge of the importance of adequate nutrition in preventing stunting. Therefore, increasing pregnant women's knowledge of healthy food choices is one of the efforts that can be made to prevent stunting. This effort takes the form of providing health education or nutrition education in the form of outreach activities. This research aims to determine the increase in knowledge of pregnant women regarding stunting prevention in the first 1000 days of a child's life. The method used was education for pregnant women in Teratak Village with a total of 15 people. To test the effectiveness of this extension, pre-test and post-test methods were used with a qualitative approach. The results of this outreach show that there is an increase in pregnant women's knowledge of stunting prevention in Teratak Village. This increase can be seen from the increase in the mean value which rose from 68.7 before the counseling to 87.3 after the counseling was carried out.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PERTUMBUHAN TERNAK KELINCI DI DASAN KARANG ANYAR DESA SIKUR LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-26T08:51:12+00:00 Sumiati Sumiati I Ketut Gede Wiryawan Erwan Erwan Dwi Kusuma Purnamasari Vebera Maslami Syamsuhaidi Syamsuhaidi <p>Service to the community in the village of Karang Anyar Sikur Village, East Lombok, aims to improve knowledge breeders skill especially breeders rabbit that is in through making and giving quality feed. The population and growth of rabbits in Karang Anyar Sikur Village, East Lombok is relatively low compared to other villages in East Lombok, this is due to the lack of knowledge about the management of feeding rabbits, including the quality and quantity of feed provided. The implementation of the activity is carried out gradually, starting from the survey location, setting the time for implementation, making the brochure/leaf, and watching the video about the cultivation of the rabbit and the evaluation stage. By achieving the goal of this activity, it is expected that the community, especially the pet group, will be able to make formulas for the rabbit's food from the materials that are available at the location, with the content of the nutrition, according to the needs of the rabbit, and the provision of good food, so that it can increase the growth of the rabbit Income breeders rabbit.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN REMAJA DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN PERNIKAHAN DINI DI DESA TERATAK, BATUKLIANG UTARA 2024-06-19T10:03:12+00:00 Fitria Agustina Budiono Putri Dena Indiarto Permadi Deanaldo Setiawan Aninfento Respi Eka Septi Muhidayani Dyah Fortuna Surachman Uswatun Ijah Achmad Sajidan Mustaqrobin Muslihatun Muslihatun Irfan Zikrul Hadi Pina Hannisa Hayati Hayati <p>Child marriage is a marriage carried out under the age of 19 years. The early marriage prevention socialization program implemented by the Mataram University Real Work Lecture (KKN) at SMPN 1 Batukliang Utara and SMAN 1 Batukliang Utara, Central Lombok Regency takes the form of counseling on the prevention of early marriage for teenagers. - Adolescents who are still underage are one way to reduce the number of cases of early marriage. With this, the aim of the KKN program can be successful and in line with the target of increasing cases of early marriage in Indonesia in 2018. Based on the results of the questionnaire given before and after the delivery of the material, it was seen that the average increase in students' knowledge from the pretest from 2.4000 and the posttest from 3.3400 to 0.9400. This is a good sign because the education provided is proven to be acceptable and it is hoped that participants can implement this knowledge. Students' knowledge of this is one of the most important factors in efforts to prevent early marriage.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu POTENSI PEMANFAATAN BIOGAS KOTORAN SAPI SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI KONSUMSI RUMAH TANGGA 2024-06-19T10:03:05+00:00 I Ketut Perdana Putra Made Sutha Yadnya Agung Budi Muljono <p>Pemanfaatan biogas sebagai sumber energi terbarukan memiliki potensi besar dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energi harian masyarakat, terutama di wilayah pedesaan. Biogas, yang dihasilkan melalui proses fermentasi anaerobik bahan organik seperti kotoran hewan dan limbah pertanian, merupakan alternatif energi yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat tentang proses produksi biogas, manfaat penggunaannya, serta langkah-langkah praktis dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi biogas di tingkat rumah tangga dan komunitas. &nbsp; Penyuluhan di lakukan di Kelompok Ternak Anyar Sari. Melalui penyuluhan ini, diharapkan masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan biogas untuk berbagai keperluan sehari-hari seperti memasak, penerangan, dan penghangatan, sehingga dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi serta kualitas lingkungan. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa potensi produksi biogas yang ada di kandang ternak adalah berkisar antara 25,99 kg sampai 45,20 kg perhari. JUmlah ini sangat mencukupi untuk melayani anggota kelompok yang berjumah 45 orang. Dengan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari penyuluhan ini, diharapkan masyarakat mampu mengadopsi dan mengembangkan teknologi biogas secara mandiri, berkontribusi pada upaya global dalam mencapai ketahanan energi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENYULUHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PENGOLAHAN KOTORAN TERNAK SAPI DI DUSUN MONGGE-2 MENJADI PUPUK ORGANIK PADAT 2024-06-21T05:22:41+00:00 Suprayanti Martia Dewi Aluh Nikmatullah Muhammad Sarjan Kisman Kisman Hery Haryanto Amrul Jihadi <p>Mongge-2 Hamlet, one of the hamlets in the Penyangga Village area. Services activity accompanied by assistance in processing livestock manure to produce organic fertilizer to support sustainable integrated farming system in this hamlet. The aim is to empower the community with productive activities through optimizing the potential of natural resources and human resources by involving relevant stakeholders. This service activity will be carried out in 2023, starting with a location survey activity. The next activity is coordinated to determine target communities to be given regular counseling and assistance to produce solid organic fertilizer and how to apply it in the field. After the outreach and mentoring activities are carried out, monitoring, reporting and publication are carried out.&nbsp; The organic fertilizer produced is applied to garden and agricultural cultivation around Mongge-2 Hamlet. This organic fertilizer is expected to play a role in improving the soil and is expected to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and increase the fertility of the media used. so that agricultural products are healthier for consumption. Further research needs to be carried out to determine the content of the organic fertilizer produced and its effect on the growth of agricultural cultivation of certain commodities.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu BIOPESTISIDA DAUN SIRSAK DAN TEMBAKAU SEBAGAI PENANGGULANGAN HAMA ULAT YANG RAMAH LINGKUNGAN 2024-06-19T10:02:58+00:00 Ahmad Jupri Ni Putu Natasa Diva Maeliandri Aulia Cahya Fadli Fadli Tapaul Rozi Eka Sunarwidi Prasedya Hilman Ahyadi <p><em>Vegetables are important in consumption as well as economic producers for the people of Indonesia. This is inseparable from the life of the Paok Pampang community, most of whose residents work as field and vegetable farmers. Fields planted with vegetables are very vulnerable to pests, especially caterpillar pests. The efforts made by farmers in overcoming caterpillar pests are to rely on the use of synthetic pesticides which unwittingly have a negative impact on health and the environment.&nbsp; In addition, the use of synthetic pesticides is quite costly for farming. Public awareness to avoid and reduce the use of synthetic pesticides and switch alternatives to organic pesticides is needed. Biopesticides made from organic materials including soursop leaves and tobacco are certainly environmentally friendly and can reduce the cost of farming. However, the lack of public knowledge about pesticides is a problem in pest management in the agricultural sector. Therefore, with the socialization and counseling activities program on biopesticides can help increase public awareness and understanding of the use of environmentally friendly biopesticides. It is hoped that the community, especially farmers, will be able to leave agricultural materials that can damage health and the environment in the sense of reducing or even abandoning the use of synthetic pesticides and always using biopesticides from organic materials. It is even expected that farmers will be able to produce their own biopesticides for the welfare of farmers in Paok pampang village.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu OPTIMISASI PROSES PEMBUATAN TULANG BELAKANG DARI BAHAN GABUS 2024-06-24T06:56:35+00:00 Rasyidah Jalil Husnani Aliah Nur Ainun Muallin Muallin Wafa Aliya Azizah Amir Muh. Salim Putri Grace <p>Tulang belakang manusia, juga dikenal sebagai columna vertebralis, adalah struktur penting yang memberikan dukungan struktural, perlindungan bagi sistem saraf pusat, dan memungkinkan gerakan tubuh yang kompleks. Tulang belakang terdiri dari serangkaian vertebra yang membentang dari pangkal tengkorak hingga panggul, dengan fungsi kritis dalam menjaga postur tubuh, mendistribusikan berat badan, dan memfasilitasi gerakan. Pembuatan tulang belakang dari bahan gabus melibatkan penelitian mendalam terhadap karakteristik material, pengembangan formulasi yang dioptimalkan, dan rekayasa proses untuk mencapai solusi yang efektif dan inovatif. Pemanfaatan gabus sebagai bahan dasar menawarkan potensi untuk menghasilkan tulang belakang yang ringan, kuat, dan biokompatibel. Langkah-langkah rekayasa proses dan evaluasi klinis diperlukan untuk memastikan keberhasilan dan keamanan aplikasi bahan gabus dalam pembuatan tulang belakang manusia. Dalam konteks medis, pemahaman yang mendalam tentang struktur dan fungsi tulang belakang penting untuk diagnosis dan penanganan kelainan tulang belakang serta pengembangan teknologi medis yang lebih baik.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PELATIHAN BUDIDAYA IKAN HIAS SKALA RUMAH TANGGA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT DI DESA KARANG BONGKOT 2024-06-27T23:16:40+00:00 Muhammad Sumsanto Wastu Ayu Diamahesa Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadhani Damai Diniariwisan Yuliana Asri Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Rangga Idris Affandi <p>Kemiskinan dan tekanan ekonomi merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh banyak rumah tangga di daerah pedesaan. Desa Karangbongkot adalah salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Labuapi, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Untuk membantu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat pedesaan, salah satu strategi yang dapat dipertimbangkan adalah melalui pengembangan budidaya ikan hias skala rumah tangga. Budidaya ikan hias dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan tambahan bagi rumah- tangga miskin, karena tidak membutuhkan modal yang besar dan dapat dikelola dengan sumber daya lokal yang tersedia. Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, tim dari Universitas Mataram menggunakan metode partisipatif. Pendekatan partisipatif masyarakat adalah suatu metode dimana masyarakat secara aktif terlibat dan berperan dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi sebuah proyek atau program. Setelah implementasi program pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang budidaya ikan hias skala rumah tangga di Desa Karang Bongkot sebagian besar peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan dasar dan praktik lapangan menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman tentang teknik budidaya ikan hias. Secara keseluruhan, program pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang budidaya ikan hias skala rumah tangga di Desa Karang Bongkot menunjukkan hasil yang positif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pendapatan masyarakat. Namun, keberlanjutan dan pengembangan lebih lanjut masih diperlukan untuk mengatasi tantangan yang ada dan memastikan dampak jangka panjang yang lebih besar.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN FILE PRESENTASI DI SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU TARBIYAH AL-AZIZIAH KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT 2024-06-27T23:16:35+00:00 Syafaruddin Ch Giri Wahyu Wiriastro Suthami Aries Saputra Budi Darmawan Sabar Nababan <p>Penggunaan komputer beserta beberapa program aplikasinya dalam dunia pendidikan pada zaman sekarang merupakan sesuatu yang tidak asing lagi. Hal ini sejalan tuntutan peningkatan kualitas kemampuan para guru dalam membuat dan menyajikan bahan ajar merupakan suatu hal yang perlu untuk direspon para guru. Para guru diharapkan memanfaatkan komputer&nbsp; dalam mengemas materi ajar dalam bentuk bahan ajar yang akan dikomunikasikan kepada para siswa. Agar materi ajar yang akan ditransfer menjadi suatu pengetahuan dan mudah diserap secara maksimal oleh anak didik, maka peran bentuk dan media&nbsp; penyajian materi merupakan hal yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu pelatihan pembuatan&nbsp; file-file presentasi yang lebih menarik dan komunikatif. Selain hal di atas, maka perlu pula mengadakan pelatihan atau kursus singkat mengenai cara membuat blog bagi para guru dan siswa untuk mengoptimalkan proses belajar-mengajar di sekolah.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PROGRAM PENINGKATAN SRADA DAN BAKTI UMAT HINDU DENGAN MEDIA SIMAKRAMA DI PURA GOA LAWAH KOTA MATARAM NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 2024-06-27T23:19:14+00:00 Ni Luh Sinar Ayu Ratna Dewi Ida Bagus Made Arjana I Made Sudarmaa Ida Bagus Beni Surya Adi Pranama I Nyoman Sueca Made Sutha Yadnya <p><em>The concept of Nyegara-Gunung means that humans give their minds and minds which must always be cleaned, cleaned or wound from top to bottom, one of which is held at the Goa Lawah Temple, Mataram City.</em> <em>The provision of telescopes and chairs can provide a medium to accommodate people's aspirations in a sitting position as well as comfort from the hot sun to communicate regarding knowledge of Tattwa, Ethics and Events (Upakara) the embodiment of simakrama in the Goa Lawah Temple area.</em> <em>At Goa Lawah Temple, which was initially hot in the heat of the sun, can now be cooler because there is a telescope and for elderly people who find it difficult to bend their knees, they can now use chairs to straighten their legs without crossing their legs.</em> <em>comes to every head of the family.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu EDUKASI PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI SOSIALISASI PENTINGNYA NUTRISI IKAN DI DESA PERSIAPAN AWANG, LOMBOK TENGAH 2024-06-29T00:58:35+00:00 Damai Diniariwisan Muhammad Junaidi Septiana Dwiyanti Nanda Diniarti Muhammad Sumsanto Wastu Ayu Diamahesa Chandrika Eka Larasati Laily Fitriani Mulyani <p>Stunting in children under five years old is the most common nutritional problem in Indonesia, namely around 30.8%. Stunting is characterized by a body height that is shorter than the average height of children in the same age. The high number cases of stunted toddlers has become a concern for the Government, where various efforts have been made to reduce the stunting rate, one of which is through socialization. Based on the results of location survey, Awang Preparation Village, in Central Lombok Regency has never received stunting socialization, so there are still many people who don't know about stunting and the benefits of fish nutrition to prevent stunting itself. The method for this activity is socialization which consists of 2 stages, namely 1) preparation which includes material preparation and timing, and 2) implementation, namely the ongoing socialization activity. This activity was attended by a total of 29 participants from among women consisting of housewives and teenagers. The results obtained after the socialization activities were that participants had a better understanding of what stunting is and how to prevent it. Apart from that, participants also know what the nutritional content of fish is so that it can be a solution to prevent stunting. Increasing maternal knowledge and awareness of the dangers of stunting can be an early indicator of a decline in stunting cases.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu STRENGTHENING BUSINESS GOVERNANCE THROUGH ASSISTANCE IN THE PREPARATION OF DIGITAL BASED FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR BUMDES GUNUNG SARI DISTRICT 2024-06-29T09:33:07+00:00 Eni Indriani Biana Adha Inapty Rr. Sri Pancawati Martiningsih <p>BUMDes is a village business established by the village government, whose capital ownership and management are carried out by the village government and the community. The administration of financial reports at partner BUMDes is currently identified as not being optimal due to the low competency of human resources. For this reason, the Community Service Team at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University, feels it is necessary to provide training and assistance related to strengthening business governance through training activities and assistance in preparing digital-based financial reports. Digitalization is the process of transferring media from all forms of printed documents to digital presentation. The application of digitalization makes things easier for business owners because it can reduce the risk of calculation errors, damage, or loss of financial documents, speed up preparation time, and evaluate business financial results wherever they are. The community service partners that will be embraced are BUMDes in Gunung Sari District, West Lombok Regency, totaling 16 BUMDes. This community service activity will run for 6 months, starting from May to October 2023. The service activity starts with preliminary observation activities through field studies of Bumdes in Gunung Sari District and discussions with village facilitators to obtain information about the problems faced by BumDes. The team designed training activities, which were attended by all BumDes managers in Gunung Sari District along with village assistants. During the training activity, the service team presented material related to the preparation of digital-based financial reports and had discussions with participants who conveyed the problems they faced and then strengthened each other by sharing solutions that could be applied to their respective BumDes. Mentoring activities carried out include accompanying Bumdes in training for Bumdes financial staff.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENANGANAN GURITA SEGAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PRODUK PADA NELAYAN PENANGKAP GURITA DI PANTAI KETAPANG, KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR 2024-06-29T00:58:32+00:00 Muhammad Marzuki Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Sahrul Alim Rusmin Nuryadin Rangga Idris Affandi Rhojim Wahyudi <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENGENALAAN ALAT TANGKAP IKAN YANG RAMAH LINGKUNGAN UNTUK MENJAGA KELESTARIAN HAYATI BIOTA DI DESA CEMARA 2024-06-29T23:07:14+00:00 Septiana Dwiyanti Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Sahrul Alim Andre Rachmat Scabra Yuliana Asri <p style="text-align: justify;">Fishing is not only about efforts to meet food needs and livelihoods but has become more complex involving socio-economic issues and environmental sustainability. There needs to be more attention to fishing activities to ensure their sustainability. By introducing environmentally friendly fishing gear to children in Cemara village, Lembar District, it is hoped that these young participants, as the future generation, will be more aware of and care for the preservation of the biological environment around them. This activity involved 30 children aged 10-12 years. The Community Service Activity (PKM) was held on June 5, 2024, from 3:00 PM until completion in Cemara Village, Lembar District, West Lombok Regency. This activity was conducted using a counseling method with an approach to the children. The method of this activity started with a participatory approach, field demonstrations, information sharing, collaboration, and monitoring and evaluation. The results of the counseling on the use of environmentally friendly fishing gear in Cemara village showed that the participants were very enthusiastic about this activity, as evidenced by the number of questions from the participants. The atmosphere of this counseling activity was pleasant and friendly. Based on the discussion results, it was found that the counseling participants knew many types of fishing gear but did not know much about whether the fishing gear was environmentally friendly or not. The conclusion of the community service activity carried out in Cemara village, Lembar District, is that this activity has increased the participants' knowledge and information about environmentally friendly fishing gear, as shown by the many questions and active participation of the participants.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T23:06:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu SOSIALISASI PENTINGNYA MINAT BACA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS LITERASI MASYARAKAT DESA 2024-07-02T05:56:29+00:00 Sisca Octarina Laila Hanum Fitri Maya Puspita Indrawati Indrawati Evi Yuliza Putra BJ Bangun <p>The awareness of the importance of reading in Indonesia, especially in rural areas, still needs to improve. Rural communities need to understand the importance and benefits of reading. Along with the times, people and even children prefer to use gadgets for entertainment, listening while watching, and other entertainment activities. This activity aimed to enhance the importance of reading interest in rural communities, foster critical thinking and analytical abilities, and improve literacy within the village. The methods employed in this activity included presentations, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and simulations. The service activity team delivered a presentation on the benefits of reading, an explanation of reading sources, and techniques to enhance interest in reading. Furthermore, a discussion session was held between the service activity team and participants to ascertain the extent of their understanding. The outcome of this activity was to advise children and students to engage in 15 minutes of non-lesson reading before the commencement of the lesson. This program was implemented to foster students' interest in reading and improve their reading skills. This activity identified new avenues for promoting interest in reading, including the procurement of reading books in schools that must be updated according to the times, educators who innovate, increasing educators' competence, and expanding the library collection. Utilizing the reading corner to increase interest in reading, it needs to be supported by all parties. The results of the analysis indicate that the literacy movement's impact can increase interest in reading. Therefore, the results of this activity can be recommended for the school literacy movement to improve students' interest in reading.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN MELALUI PELATIHAN SADAR WISATA DI KAWASAN PARIWISATA SENGGIGI KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT 2024-07-02T06:27:18+00:00 Abdurrahman Feb Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti Muhammad Mujahid Dakwah Zamroni Alpian Muhtarom Didy Ika Supryadi Taufan Handika Putra <p><em>The purpose of this community service program is to increase understanding to training participants, especially tourism actors in Senggigi Village to provide the best service to tourists. The training methods provided include management and arrangement of tourist attractions, hospitality and conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in order to increase public awareness of tourism in the Senggigi Area. The results of the training showed that participants got a good understanding of awareness in maintaining a sustainable tourism area by making a program plan to improve the quality of tourist attraction services based on Sapta Pesona in the Senggigi tourism area. Through this service activity, participants were able to compile and convey ideas and aspirations to stakeholders or the local government. </em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pepadu