JRK Vol. 2 No. 3 September 2024 Pengaruh Pembiayaan Mudharabah, Pembiayaan Musyarakah dan Kebijakan Utang Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia Periode 2018-2022
Pembiayaan Mudharabah, Pembiayaan Musyarakah, Kebijakan Utang , Profitabilitas.Abstract
ABSTRAK The study aims to find out the impact of exchange rate financing, mortgage financing and debt policy on the profitability of the Shariah General Bank in Indonesia during the period 2018-2022. This research is quantitative and associative. As for the data source used, the secondary data source is the annual financial report of the Shariah General Bank obtained from the official website of the Financial Services Authority. (OJK). The sample determination using the method of purposive sampling. In this study sample totaled 7 companies from 17 population of General Bank Shariah period 2018-2022, so the research data analyzed amounted to 35 observations. The panel data analysis method used in this study is a double linear regression analysis using Eviews 12. The results of this study show that price financing and mortgage financing have a negative but insignificant impact on profitability as long as debt policies have a positive and significant impact on profits.