Energy, Materials and Product Design <p>Energy, Materials and Product Design is an open-access journal and published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Energy, Materials and Product Design publishes two articles per volume every year, published in May and November.</p> <p>Energy, Materials and Product Design is a forum for publishing research results, case studies, and reviews related to mechanical engineering, such as energy, materials, product design, and ergonomics, which can influence other engineering fields. The scope of this journal is the field of mechanical engineering, including research or case studies related to heat exchangers, energy conversion including solar, wind, marine, biomass, heat storage, materials and components including manufacturing and metallurgy, electric vehicles or their components, as well as Ergonomics applications in tool and work station design.</p> <p>Articles can be written in Indonesian and English according to the Energy, Materials and Product Design journal guidelines.</p> <p>Energy, Materials and Product Design has been indexed in the Crossref (DOI), Google Scholar, and Digital Reference Garba (GARUDA).</p> <p>ISSN 2964-6987 | DOI prefix 10.29303/empd</p> en-US (IG Bawa Susana) (Mirmanto) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 ANALISA SISTEM ELEKTRONIK POWER STEERING UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN KENDARAAN LISTRIK FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNRAM <p>Recenly conventional vehicles use fossil fuels, however these fuels are non-renewable energy sources and their availability in nature is very limited. If they are explored continuously then one day they will run out, so it is very necessary to save and innovate to use these sources. Other renewable energy sources, one of which is electrical energy, where this electrical energy can be generated from various sources such as water, solar, biomass and so on. Besides that, the use of electrical energy for vehicles is currently very relevant because it is environmentally friendly, that is, it does not produce CO or CO<sub>2</sub> gas like conventional vehicles, so this energy is known as green energy. Indonesia has the potential to produce electric cars because the availability of nickel is very abundant to be processed into batteries, as a provider or energy storage for electric cars, our country has a very big opportunity to produce electric cars. To make this happen, it is deemed necessary to carry out comprehensive studies such as power steering so that comfort and safety can be achieved. The most suitable power steering is the electric power steering (EPS) type because the energy required comes from the battery. The method applied in this research is an experimental method, by measuring torque requirements on various roads, the roads chosen are asphalt roads, block paving roads and dirt roads. Based on this data, an EPS test bench then created which was able to measure the input and output torque of the EPS and look for the power consumed by the system. Road conditions can cause differences in torque requirements, in block paving road conditions the greatest torque requirement is 2.77 Nm and the smallest occurs in asphalt road conditions at 1.62 Nm. EPS testing shows that it is only loaded up to 25% with an input torque of 1,652 Nm resulting an output torque of 3,924 Nm with an electrical power consumption of 6,31 watts.</p> I Dewa Ketut Okariawan, Made Wirawan, I G. Bawa Susana, Maharsa Pradityatama Copyright (c) 2024 I Dewa Ketut Okariawan, Made Wirawan, I GD. Bawa Susana, Maharsa Pradityatama Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS EFISIENSI BOILER CFB UNIT 3 MENGGUNAKAN METODE LANGSUNG DI PT PLN INDONESIA POWER OMU JERANJANG <p><em>A Boilers play an important role as steam power plants. A boiler is a closed vessel that is used to produce pressurized steam, where the resulting pressurized steam is used outside the boiler itself. This research aims to find out how to analyze the efficiency of CFB boilers. The analytical method used is the direct method. The results obtained show that the efficiency value of CFB boiler unit 3 of PLTU Jeranjang with a load of 25.8 MW, namely 73.17%, is quite low, this is caused by a lack of steam flow as a result of a leak in the upper boiler of PLTU Jeranjang unit 3, causing steam to come out of boiler and reduces its efficiency.</em></p> I Wayan Joniarta, Rashid Ridho Al Buhori; Made Wijana Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Joniarta, Rashid Ridho Al Buhori, Made Wijana Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KEKUATAN IMPAK DAN TARIK KOMPOSIT BERPENGUAT SERAT SEMBUKAN DENGAN MATRIK EPOXY <p><em>Composite is a combination of two or more elements arranged in a certain way to get new properties in matrial. Plants of Pukan (Peaderiafoetida L.) is a kind of wild grass that spreads and grows wild in nature. This study aims to determine the effect of the mechanical strength of the composite reinforced dying in the Healing with epoxy matrix.</em></p> <p><em>In this test, using Sembukan fiber as a reinforcement and epoxy as a composite matrial adhesive. The tests include: Tensile tests referring to ASTMD 3039, and Impact Tests referring to ASTMD 256. These tests use fiber volume fractions of 20%, 30%, and 40% with woven fiber orientation.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed, the greater the fiber volume fraction, the greater the toughness, the highest toughness was found in the fiber volume fraction variance of 40%, amounting to 0.10396 J/mm<sup>2</sup>. Same as Tensile testing, the stress increases with increasing fiber volume fraction, ie at 40% fiber at 9,1596 MPa. The influencing factor is none other than the percentage of fibers in the composite increasing the mechanical strength of the matrix.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Fiber Heal, toughness Impact, Tensile strength.</em></p> Sinarep, A.A. Maulana, Pandri Pandiatmi, A Zainuri Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Zainuri Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY PENGEREMEN PADA MOBIL LISTRIK HASIL MODIFIKASI <p><em>Every three accidents occur every hour in Indonesia, according to the Director of Road Traffic at the Ministry of Land Transportation, with a percentage of over 50-70 percent and 30 percent of accidents occur due to poor performance of the brake system. Accidents occur due to insufficient braking distance and lack of understanding of the braking characteristics of the vehicle being driven. The aim of this research is to analyze the distance, time and braking force required for an electric car to move until it stops with variations in speed and vehicle load.</em> <em>This research was carried out using an experimental method where a prototype electric car was run by varying the speed and load of the vehicle to obtain braking time and distance and analyzing the data obtained. The shortest braking distance at a speed of 20 km/hour with a vehicle load of 950 kg is 4.39 meters. The longest braking distance is 14.78 meters at a speed of 40 km/hour with a vehicle load of 1050kg. The fastest braking time is at a speed of 20 km/hour with a vehicle load of 950 kg, namely 1.97 seconds. The longest braking time was at a speed of 40 km/h with a vehicle load of 1050 kg, namely 2.76 seconds. The smallest braking force is at a speed of 20 km/hour with a vehicle load of 1050 kg, namely 2098.36 N. The largest braking force is at a speed of 40 km/hour with a vehicle load of 950 kg, namely 4132.65 N.</em></p> A.A. Alit Triadi, Achmad Zainuri, I Made Suartika, I Made Adi Sayoga, I Made Mara, I Dewa Ketut Okariawan Copyright (c) 2024 A.A. Alit Triadi, Achmad Zainuri, I Made Suartika, I Made Adi Sayoga, I Made Mara, I Dewa Ketut Okariawan Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI ALAT BANTU ERGONOMIS PADA KERJA MANUAL BERDASARKAN KAJIAN ERGO-MECHANICAL UNTUK PETANI KECIL <p><em>Using traditional tools and manual work by small farmers in rural and developing areas is routine in processing agricultural land, especially planting plant seeds. This working model includes moderate to severe workload due to additional workload, namely sunlight when planting. In addition, work is carried out with non-ergonomic work postures, namely non-natural work postures. This causes musculoskeletal complaints to workers due to the non-harmonious tools with workers. Workers' productivity will decrease and have the potential to reduce the quality of life of small farmers themselves.</em> <em>To help the manual work of small farmers to create effective, comfortable, safe, healthy, efficient, and sustainable jobs, an ergo-mechanical application is needed to design work tools. This application is based on studies conducted on the design of work tools from several libraries or research results. The ergo-mechanical study is an integrated system that applies ergonomic and mechanical principles. The ergo-mechanical application produces ergonomic work tools that are comfortable to use by workers, and technical standards include material, product, and service requirements. Mechanically, the application through technical drawings, mechanical planning, and work tool materials to get a strong, lightweight, and safe work tool from hazardous substances, according to technical specifications. Technical standards are related to data sheets or specifications that describe the technical characteristics of a work tool. On the specifications of the work tool design, specifications can be added that the work tools are ergonomic. Ergonomic work tools can produce effective, comfortable, safe, healthy, and efficient work. This results from the compatibility between work tools and workers or the harmonious work tools with workers. Ergo-mechanical creates comfort in work that affects the increase in productivity and quality of life for workers.</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> I Gede Bawa Susana, I Ketut Perdana Putra, I G.A.K.C. Adhi Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Bawa Susana, I Ketut Perdana Putra Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH VARIASI TINGGI SUDU TURBIN DARI TINGGI BASIN TERHADAP DAYA DAN EFISIENSI TURBIN VORTEX <p><em>Electrical energy is a very important need for human life in various aspects, both on a large and small scale. One of the efforts to reduce the use of fossil fuels is to use natural resources that are not limited and can be renewed. Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHP) is an alternative source of electricity for the community, one of which is a vortex turbine. The vortex turbine is one type of micro hydro turbine that utilizes a whirlpool as a blade drive. This study examines the effect of blade height variations of 25%, 30%, and 35% of the basin height on power and efficiency. The results showed that the largest turbine power at 25% blade height variation from the basin height with a discharge of 0.009 m<sup>3</sup>/s was 3.294 Watt with an efficiency of 51.10%. The largest turbine power at an angle variation of 30% of the basin height with a discharge of 0.009 m<sup>3</sup>/s is 3.364 Watt with an efficiency of 50.66%. The largest turbine power at an angle variation of 35% of the basin height with a discharge of 0.009 m<sup>3</sup>/s is 4.062 Watt with an efficiency of 62.35%. Turbine power based on two-way anova analysis shows that between variations in turbine height and flow discharge have a significant effect on the turbine power produced and turbine efficiency based on two-way anova analysis shows that between variations in turbine height and flow discharge have a significant effect on the turbine efficiency produced.</em></p> Tri Rachmanto, Mirmanto, Randi Lelio Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Rachmanto, Mirmanto, Randi Lelio Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000