J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology) 2024-07-01T06:33:46+00:00 Mi'raj Fuadi Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology)</strong> is a scientific journal that publishes research results in the field of agricultural engineering and technology. J-AGENT's scope includes: agricultural environmental engineering and conservation, agricultural tools and machinery, bioprocess engineering, new renewable energy, agricultural information technology, smart agriculture and other related fields related to agro-industrial technology.</p> <p align="justify">This journal is published by the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry, University of Mataram. Articles published on J-AGENT can be written in 2 languages, namely Indonesian or English. J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology) is published 4 times&nbsp; a year in January-March, April-June, July-September,&nbsp; and October-December (1 volume, 4 issues).</p> Technical And Economic Analysis Of Drying Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Powder Using A Rotary Dryer 2024-07-01T06:16:04+00:00 Wahyu Adi Guna Sukmawaty Murad <p><em>Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a vegetable commodity that functions as a food flavoring ingredient and is also very beneficial for health. The high production of garlic in Indonesia causes the need for post-harvest treatment to maintain the quality of garlic and increase its economic value. The purpose of this study was to analyze technically and economically and to determine the feasibility of using a rotary dryer for drying garlic powder. The method used in this research is an experimental method. This dryer is a device that uses the concept of rotating drying by utilizing solar energy and biomass combustion as a heat source to increase the temperature of the drying chamber. The results showed that drying garlic powder using a rotary dryer was feasible, both from a technical and economic perspective. From the technical aspect, it can be seen that the best experimental results were obtained in the drying treatment at 55 <sup>o</sup>C with a thickness of 1 mm which resulted in a final moisture content of 5.88%, yield of 35.18%, working capacity of the tool 0.077 Kg/hour, effectiveness 0.534% and efficiency. 10.227%. From the economic analysis, it produces a B/C Ratio of 1.23, NVP Rp.714.495, IRR 7.59%, BEP is achieved at a production level of 40.1 Kg/year or for 522.4 hours/year and an economic efficiency level of 123.45% .</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Quality Analysis of Coconut Bricket (Cocos Nucifera L) with Used Paper Adhesive 2024-07-01T06:18:58+00:00 Ayu Utari Sukmawaty Amuddin <p><em>Briquette is a solid fuel derived from biomass can be used as an alternative energy source. Mixing paper with coconut fiber can be used as an alternative fuel for briquettes. The purposes of this study was to determine the quality of coconut coir briquettes with paper adhesives based on physical and chemical properties, to determine the resistance of waste paper to alternative adhesives in making briquettes, to determine the concentration of a mixture of coconut coir and adhesives to produce good briquettes. The research method used in this research is experimental research in the laboratory. This research used coconut fiber as raw material for making briquettes and waste paper as raw material for adhesives in riquettes. In this study, the experimental comparison between coconut fiber and the adhesive used included 20%:80%, 25%:75%, 30%:70%. The parameters observed were calorific value, moisture content, ash content, compressive strength, density, starter index, and flame test. The calorific value at a ratio of 20%:80% has met the standardized test of 6696.40 cal/gram. index, the flame test met the established Indonesian national standard (SNI), while the water content, ash content, compressive strength and density did not meet the briquette test standards</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-30T09:43:35+00:00 Copyright (c) Application of Sprinkler Irrigation for Shallots (Allium ascalonium L.) in the Raised Bed 2024-07-01T06:20:59+00:00 Silvia Udiantari Joko Sumarsono Amuddin <p><em>The Raised bed is a farming method that can be applied to narrow land using containers or tubs Sprinkler irrigation is one of the methods to provide water by spraying water into the air, falling to the ground like rainwater. This study aims to design a sprinkler irrigation system for Shallots on raised beds and determine the response of Shallots to the sprinkler irrigation method applied. The research method is experimental with field experiments on Raised bed land with 4 raised bed plots. Parameters observed were discharged, sprinkler irrigation beam distance, crop water requirements, plant growth, and soil physical properties. The results showed that the sprinkler irrigation design was not successfully applied to narrow land because it had a relatively broad water distribution. The results showed that the water requirement of the shallot plant on day 18 was 1.8 mm/day and the lowest on day 10 was 0.9 mm/day. The soil analysis results at the research location for the texture of sandy loam soil for manure media and plant residue media. The field capacity of manure media was 29.74%, plant residue media was 63.19, the permanent wilting point of manure media was 17.99 %, plant residue media of 19.30%, and soil permeability values ​​were moderate to moderately fast class on manure media and a relatively fast class on plant residue media. The results showed that Shallots gave a good response, which can be seen in the average number of leaves at the highest 6.27 strands. The average increase in plant height reached the highest value of 31.56 cm.</em></p> 2024-06-30T09:48:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology) Performance Analysis of Updraft-Type Gasifier with Coconut Shell as Fuel 2024-07-01T06:22:32+00:00 Katrian Ambawa Prawira Sukmawaty Amuddin <p>Coconut shell is one of biomass that has an abundant source among us. But in most time are neglected and thrown away although it has a lot of benefits. One of its potential is to be a source of alternative energy. In this research, coconut shells are converted into combustible gas or syngas through gasification process by an updraft-type gasifier. The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of the gasifier to generate heat with two different sizes of coconut shell as the fuel. The used coconut shell size are ± 3×3 cm (P1) and ± 5×5 cm (P2). The air supply used in this research is 7,13 m/s, or equivalent to 866,72 l/min. The method used in this research is an experimental one, then descriptively explained followed by data shown in charts. Heat that generated inside the reactor of P1 and P2 by average for 50 minutes are 413,6 °C and 420,9 °C. While the detected heat at the burner throughout the combustible gas generation are 375,7 °C for P1 and 396,3 °C for P2. The test for thermal efficiency by a water-boiling method is 2.22% for P1 and 2.43% for P2. While for the gasification efficiency simulation rate number are 55% for P1 and 65% for P2.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Technical And Economic Analysis of The Drying Process of Palm Sugar Using a Cylinder Tool Type of Shelf (Case Study of Maju Joint Smes) 2024-07-01T06:27:33+00:00 Nimas Dwi Ratna Sumilih Murad Rahmat Sabani <p>Tanaman aren (<em>ArengapinnataMerr</em>) adalah satu jenis tanaman palma yang tumbuh di ketinggian 0 – 1.400 m dpl. Potensi produksi gula aren dalam bentuk gula semut (gula gerus halus) sangat besar. Dalam pembuatan gula semut tersebut gula yang telah di produksi dipastikan memiliki kadar air rendah yakni maksimal 3% sesuai dengan aturan SNI agar gula semut dapat bertahan lama. Proses pengeringan tersebut menggunakan alat slilinder tipe rak sehingga memudahkan dalam proses pengeringan yang sebelumnya masyarakat masih menggunakan pengeringan secara manual atau menggunakan bantuan dari sinar matahari. Menggunakan alat ini juga proses pengeringan lebih efisien waktu dan mempunyai&nbsp; keuntungan secara&nbsp; ekonomi seperti nilai ekonomi untuk NPV’ Rp.1.271.081,11 dengan bunga sebesar 3,50% dan NPV” sebesar Rp.5.469,32 dengan bunga sebesar 75% kemudian nilai IRR sebesar 75%. Nilai Net B/C Ratio 1,03 dan nilai gross B/C mendapatkan -1,27 dan nilai BEP dari&nbsp; alat ini tercapai pada 280 unit/tahun dan memerlukan 196 jam/tahun.</p> 2024-06-30T10:08:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 J-AGENT (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology) The Effect of Nutrition Watering Time on the Growth of Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Plant with NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) Hydroponic System 2024-07-01T06:28:57+00:00 Linda Asmika Agustin Asih Priyati Diah Ajeng Setiawati <p><em>Nutrient film technique </em>(NFT) merupakan cara bercocok tanam secara hidroponik. Pada sistem ini, akar tanaman tumbuh pada aliran air yang dangkal yang bersirkulasi secara terus menerus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy pada setiap perlakuan pengairan nutrisi serta untuk mengetahui konsumsi air dan konsumsi listrik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan tiga perlakuan pengairan yakni pengairan selama 24 jam, 12 jam dan 6 jam dimana setiap perlakuan terdapat tiga kali ulangan. Adapun parameter yang diteliti adalah konsumsi air, nilai EC, nilai pH, suhu larutan, suhu lingkungan, pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan luas daun), produktivitas tanaman, efisiensi penggunaan air dan konsumsi listrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pengairan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy. Berdasarkan hasil produktivitas, tanaman pakcoy terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan pengairan selama 24 jam dengan berat 902 gr diikuti dengan perlakuan pengairan selama 12 jam dengan berat 748 gr dan perlakuan pengairan selama 6 jam dengan berat 500 gr. Hal ini disebabkan pada perlakuan pengairan selama 24 jam kebutuhan air dan unsur hara tanaman dapat terpenuhi. Total konsumsi air untuk perlakuan pengairan selama 24 jam, 12 jam dan 6 jam berturut-turut sebesar 20.8850 ml, 19.340 ml, 11.520 ml. Total penggunaan energi listirk dari pompa yang dinyalakan selama 24 jam, 12 jam dan 6 jam berturut-turut sebesar 4.704 kWh, 2.352 kWh dan 1.176 kWh.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Porang Tubers (Amorpophallus oncophyllus) Drying Characteristics Using a Hybrid Dryer Machine with Rotating Rack Type 2024-07-01T06:30:56+00:00 Eka Ariana Sukmawaty Ansar Ince Siti Wardatullatifah S <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari karakteristik pengeringan umbi porang menggunakan alat pengering hybrid tipe rak berputar. Pengeringan dilakukan dengan tiga perlakuan suhu 40ºC, 50ºC dan 60ºC dan ketebalan irisan bahan 0,7; 0,5; dan 0,3 cm. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi suhu dan ketebalan irisan bahan rendah, maka waktu pengeringan semakin cepat. Pengeringan membutuhkan waktu paling lama pada suhu 40ºC selama 45 jam dengan kadar air awal 77,09% sampai kadar air akhir 17,66% dan paling cepat pada perlakuan suhu 60ºC ketebalan irisan 0,3 cm selama 14 jam dengan kadar air awal 81,87% sampai kadar air akhir 14,84%. Laju pengeringan tertinggi pada perlakuan suhu 60ºC sebesar 1,8153 m/s. Nilai konstanta yang diperoleh pada suhu 40ºC adalah 0,0738, suhu 50ºC senilai 0.0969, dan suhu 60ºC senilai 0,1849.</p> 2024-06-30T11:13:30+00:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of Water Power Potential of the Suplesi Gebong Irrigation River for Power Plant Planning in the Village of Peresak Narmada Sub-Distric West Lombok District 2024-07-01T06:32:09+00:00 Ahmad Ramadloni Mubarak Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah Joko Sumarsono <p><em>The research is about Analysis of Water Power Potential of the Suplesi Gebong Irrigation River for Power Plant Planning in The Village of Peresak Narmada Sub-Distric West Lombok District. The purpose of this research was to analyze the availability of Suplesi Gebong irrigation river, to determine availability of electrical energy output of Suplesi Gebong irrigation river, and to determine the sort of power plant based on energy output. This research was conducted by using experimental method by collecting data from the field. Observed parameter in this research was obtained by measuring depth and width of the river, flow velocity to achieved flow rate, and elevation measurement on upstream and downstream part of the location. Flow rate and head data was acquaried to calculate potential power. Based on the results of the research, it could be determined that the effective head was 0.9 m and value of obtained flow rate is in the range of 0,33 m³/s to 0,58 m³/s. Potential output power based on flow rate and head value was 2,91 kW to 5,12 kW and could be prerequirement as Pico Hydro and Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of the Physical Properties of Some Planting Media in the Cultivation of Collard Plants (Brassica juncea L.) Using a Floating Raft Hydroponic System 2024-07-01T06:33:46+00:00 Nuris Magfiratunnisa Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah Asih Priyati <p>Hydroponic technology is an alternative in cultivation using a substitute media other than soil. This study aims to determine the physical properties of the planting medium and the combination of husk charcoal and cocopeat which are the best for the growth of mustard plants using Floating Raft hydroponics. The planting media used were husk charcoal and cocopeat with a ratio of (75%+25%), (50%+50%), (75%+25%) and rockwool as controls. This study used an experimental method with field trials in a greenhouse. The results showed that the physical properties of the planting medium were as follows; the highest porosity and permeability were husk charcoal + cocopeat (75%+25%) of 76.92% and 1.910 cm/hour, the highest bulk density was husk charcoal + cocopeat (25%+75%) of 0.00038 kg/m³. Good productivity of mustard plants resulted from the use of husk charcoal + cocopeat planting media with a composition (75% + 25%).</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Application of Capillary Irrigation System by Providing Age Variations of Catfish Wastewater as Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Spinach (Amaranthus sp.) 2024-07-01T06:16:56+00:00 Insira Azhara Ansar Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah <p><em>The application of micro irrigation in Indonesia has not been very developed even though this system has a high irrigation efficiency. Micro irrigation with capillary method is made from a combination of used bottles and polybags which are connected with flannel so that the water will move in capillaries to wet the soil. Catfish wastewater contains macro nutrients that plants need. Nutrient levels contained are N, P end K. The purpose of this reseach is determine the application of capillary irrigation and the need for utilization of catfish liquid on the growth of spinach and analyze the effect of variations in age of catfish liquid waste as liquid organic on the growth of spinach.&nbsp; This research method uses the eksperimental method of RAL experiment with 2 replications of variations in the age of catfish wastewater that is 5 days, 7 days, and 9 days as treatment. Parameters observed were capillary power, plant water consumption, nutrient uniformity, and spinach growth. The results showed that capillarity had no effect, but plant water consumtion has an effect on the growth of spinach plants. The use of catfish wastewater with variations of catfish wastewater aged 5 days gave the most effective effect on the growth of spinach. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)